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Research On Design Of Children's Bed Based On Humanized Design Concept

Posted on:2021-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
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With the development of China's economy,the improvement of people's living standards and the liberalization of the two-child policy,the number of children has increased year by year,and the society and families have paid more attention to children,which has led to the development of the children's product market and the surging demand for children's consumer products.However,with the gradual expansion of the market,the development of children's product design is lagging behind,there are many problems,they can not really meet the needs of children.At present,the concept of humanized design is widely used in product design.With the development of science and technology and the progress of the times,people's requirements for products are no longer only satisfied with the functions.In addition to meeting the basic functions of products,they also need to meet the psychological needs of users.This psychological needs is reflected in the use of the product to bring people physical and psychological pleasure experience.A good product must not only achieve the function of the product,but also integrate the humanized design concept into it.The humanized design is the embodiment of humanism,and its core is the user's subjective experience.Nowadays,more and more enterprises introduce humanized design concept in product design.Among similar products with similar functions,only more humanized design can easily capture the hearts of consumers and have greater market competitiveness.This paper takes children as the research object,analyzes the market development status of children's bed products,finds the problems in the design of children's bed products,and understands the needs of user by comprehensively using market research and user research methods.By studying the humanized design concept and other theories,to analyze the application methods and design principles of humanized design concept in children's bed products.Design and research from the perspectives of functionality,safety,fun and sustainability,integrate the humanized concept into the design of children's bed products,and carry out the humanized innovative design practice of children's bed products.
Keywords/Search Tags:Humanized concept, Children's bed, Design, Research
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