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On The Design Mode And Generating Factors Of Modern And Contemporary Jewelry

Posted on:2021-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LuFull Text:PDF
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The appearance of jewelry cannot be traced back to an accurate time.Since the record,jewelry has appeared in people's lives in various ways.The value,material,use,production method,style,etc.of jewelry have changed with the changes of the times.Jewelry has also become a carrier of expression of people's personal emotions and emotions in modern society from the practical decoration as a supplementary tool.This change has also enriched the types and design methods of jewelry.The rich variety makes the development of jewelry more and more vigorous,and the two sides of things make us aware of the disadvantages caused by this situation.Due to the variety of designs,there is no specific limit to the generation method.For consumers,this issue is not important,but for jewelry design practitioners,a standardized design process and design system is half the success of a good design.There are many successful designers who have explored their own design system and style through continuous practice,but there are also many jewelry design practitioners who cannot extract the key information they want to use in the era of information explosion.Sometimes blindly follow the trend,sometimes copy and imitate,and some actions are even passive.And the specification and exploration of jewelry design types and generating factors also play a very important role for jewelry students and beginners who love jewelry design.In the early stage of jewelry research,from the most basic drawing to the completion of the first self-designed work,these are very important nodes in the facility design process,but often because of the lack of understanding of the design type and the deviation of the understanding of the generation form It will cause various problems such as craftsmanship,materials,and presentation methods,just like the use of art jewelry to make commercial jewelry is destined to be priceless,and the use of commercial jewelry to make art jewelry will only be popular.Therefore,the exploration of modern and contemporary jewelry with different design methods and types will make jewelry design practitioners more rational and orderly in design,and will avoid detours.This article intends to use the history of jewelry as a clue to sort out jewelry design in Changes in the development process,combined with modern and contemporary jewelry analysis of typical cases in jewelry design,combined with the characteristics of the case,initially try to classify and summarize the generation of jewelry design,and finally apply,find problems?...
Keywords/Search Tags:design, type, generatio
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