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The Exploration Of The Material Nature Of Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Art

Posted on:2020-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330599965045Subject:Art theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Chinese ceramic culture has been developed for thousands of years.The vivid and elegant paintings of traditional ceramic art,elegant and elegant utensils,and flawless craftsmanship have made the world amazed.However,traditional ceramic art has no "physical sense",and the essential properties of materials are ignored.After the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" art trend,Chinese art has undergone tremendous changes.Artists no longer pursue the excellence of painting and styling,and have more exploration of ceramic media materials,and even allow integrated materials to invade traditional ceramic media.From the perspective of the concept of materiality,this paper studies the transformation of the materiality of Chinese contemporary ceramic material language.The first chapter of this paper first defines the concept of ceramic art and introduces the most representative art theory in the study of physical properties.The materiality of materials is to resort to vision and touch.This is a universal narrative of physicality.An important feature of contemporary ceramic art is the use of ceramic texture language.The second chapter of this paper explores ceramic material media from ceramic texture language.The nature of things.Although texture language is one of the main expression languages of visual art,traditional ceramic art has always pursued the smooth and moist glaze and neglected the material nature of the material.Contemporary ceramic artists use the expression of texture language to completely release the soil,glaze and kiln fire.Character,and as a decorative language expresses the human emotional experience.The materiality of ceramic materials appeals to vision and touch is also reflected in the transformation of the spatial language of artifact modeling.Ceramic utensils as a real thing,its instrumental space language is also undergoing profound changes in the present.Contemporary pottery breaks thetraditional utensils,removes the base of the sculpture,breaks through the original concept of ceramic on the shelf,and ignores the aesthetic criteria that traditional ceramic art such as composition,shape,proportion,and symmetry pay attention to.In terms of media materials,heterogeneous materials are allowed to be combined with ceramic materials,which is a further exploration of spatial language based on the breaking of the object space.The physical properties of ceramic materials that appeal to vision and touch are expressed in texture language and spatial language.However,influenced by the aesthetics of post-modern art "entropy",Chinese contemporary pottery has a greater exploration and excavation of material properties.The exploration of materiality has risen from resorting to visual and tactile sensation to resorting to concepts,mainly embodied in the cultural symbols of porcelain.Expression,experimental materialistic abstraction of the pottery,the array of pottery,the physical alienation of pop and genre pottery,and the storytelling of super-realistic pottery.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ceramic art, objecthood, physical texture, theater space, entropy
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