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On The Characteristics Of The Construction Of Ecological Civilization In China

Posted on:2018-08-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330599463118Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Human beings have never ceased to pursue civilization,experienced four civilizations,from primitive society to modern society,and then reached the highest stage.Ecological civilization,as an important component and the highest stage of human civilization,is the product of social civilization and progress.Conform to the trend of the times and in light of its own national conditions,China actively developed ecological civilization construction.In the way of the construction of ecological civilization,China formed its characteristics.It provides strong support for the development of the socialist construction with Chinese characteristics.Throughout the process of ecological civilization in the world,different social systems in different periods had appeared phase characteristics,but the overall trend is committed to creating a harmonious ecological environment.Around the world,whether capitalist or socialist countries has started to explore the ecological civilization,Chinese as a typical socialist country,the strength is relatively weak,but with the development of power system and the inner advantages,the development of the construction is increasingly fast.Integrating ecological civilization construction into the overall layout of five-in-one,accelerating green concept and standing at a new starting point in development,China is making strides toward the goal of great national renewalChina's ecological civilization construction,both in theory and in practice,is deeply flashed with characteristics.The theories have profound sources,focusing on the interests of the people and committed to create a sustainable development system,achieve the unity of socialist theory with China characteristics.At the same time,the socialist system has the characteristics of strong practice of ecological civilization construction,because Chinese as a socialist country,China will firmly rely on the leadership of the Communist Party and the socialist system,committed to build a harmonious society,to provide a copy of the answer for the practice of ecological civilization construction of socialism.In addition to the unique institutional characteristics,China also uses the socialist legal system with Chinese character to protect and regulate the promotion of ecological civilization.After years of efforts,China has made great many of achievements.World will see the wonders of China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological civilization, Theoretical characteristic, Practical characteristic
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