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Research On Innovative Design Of YiYang Xiao Yu Bamboo Skill Craft

Posted on:2020-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330578951660Subject:Forestry Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The splendid Chinese culture lasts for thousands of years.Bamboo culture is a unique flower of Chinese culture,condensing the wisdom,emotion,character and yearning of the Chinese nation.This article studies YiYang Xiao Yu bamboo tulips,the first point is to promote Chinaundefineds thousands of years of rich bamboo culture.Trace back to the long history of bamboo culture.Taking Yiyang Xiaoyuzhu Art as the research object,this paper excavates the deep connotation of the Tulip Art Culture,and uses the Xiao Yu bamboo Art Furniture Design as the breakthrough point to show the glittering point of the traditional bamboo culture and to protect the traditional non-material cultural heritage.I take the history of YiYang Xiao Yu bamboo art development,the characteristics of YiYang Xiao Yu bamboo art,the manufacturing technology,the innovative design of Xiao Yu bamboo art furniture,the work and effort direction and measures needed to inherit and develop the Xiao Yu bamboo art industry as my research context.Through visiting the Xiao Yu bamboos workshop,bamboo heritage,personally participate in the design and production of Xiao Yu bamboo furniture,this study obtained first-hand information.Refining,processing,finishing as a Xiao Yu bamboo furniture design research elements.The author found that to inherit and innovate the traditional industry of Xiao Yu bamboos,we should start from the following levels.First,from the perspective of the protection of intangible cultural heritage.Work is not written on paper,but left in practice.The government should give preferential policies,increase investment in funds,and implement protective measures.The inheriting craftsmen should devote themselves as a sacred duty.At the same time,we should create a kind of big bamboo culture atmosphere,guide people to plant bamboo,use bamboo,love bamboo,make it become the soil of bamboo culture rejuvenation.Compulsory education should introduce bamboo culture into classroom,vocational education should introduce creative design of bamboo furniture into professional setting,and assume the main responsibility of inheritance and development.Second,from the activation of traditional industries on the vitality and vitality.Now Yiyangundefineds Xiao Yu bamboo culture has shrunk,declined,revitalized and activated is the best form of heritage protection.Such as the combination of traditional manual manufacturing and intelligent digital machining;the combination of traditional single bamboo materials and other materials;the combination of traditional artistic design elements and modern design concepts;the combination of teacher and apprentice teaching and vocational education.Third,from the innovation and transformation of the traditional level of Xiao Yu bamboos.Innovation in production mode,transition from small workshop to large-scale production,form a joint mode of company and farmers.In marketing mode innovation,build a Xiao Yu bamboo online sales platform,and continue to carry out related bamboo exchange activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xiao Yu Bamboo, Inheritance, Innovation
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