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A Study On The Theory Of Marxist Ecological Needs

Posted on:2020-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y XiaoFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of social economy,the environmental problems are becoming more and more prominent all over the world,natural disasters occur frequently,resource consumption and waste are serious,and the ecosystem degrades sharply.Marxist ecological view holds that improving and restoring the ecological environment is a long-term process and needs to be viewed from the perspective of long-term development.The leading collective of the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core stood at the height of the evolution of human civilization at the19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC),discussed in depth the relationship between man and nature,and stressed that "Man and nature are life communities,and human beings must respect nature." Conform to nature and protect nature ",and put forward the concept of green development view,green development The view requires the unity of economic growth and environmental protection,and the protection of the environment is also the development of productive forces,which requires the joint efforts of the whole society and a long way to go.To understand Marxist theory of ecological needs,we should first understand Marxist theory of human needs.Marxism holds that human needs consist of three stages,namely,the need for basic survival,the need for possession and the need for self-realization.Labor needs and social communication need to run through the three stages of human needs.Ecological needs also run through the three stages of human needs,and human material needs,spiritual needs depend on each other.Therefore,the protection of the ecological environment is particularly important,and the path to meet the ecological needs is the path to the future of mankind,and the road towards the future is divided into four directions.First of all,we should choose a clean production mode.Production is an important fulcrum of everything.We must actively promote clean production and produce clean products.The second is to meet the needs of ecological equity.Only by completely abolishing private ownership can we meet the ecological needs of society.Thirdly,through the way of green exchange,the speed of production and circulation is greatly increased to speed up the development of production.Finally,to achieve the completion of ecological consumption,enhance people's ecological awareness,not blindly demand,otherwise it will destroy the environmental impact of the ecological environment.At present,China is in the stage of national rejuvenation.We should further strengthen the practice and innovation of Marx's theory of ecological needs.We should keep pace with the times and re-understand the material needs of human beings.Beautiful China must not only need economic data,not green mountains and rivers,but also adhere to the standard of green GDP and improve the construction of ecological civilization under the guidance of Marx's theory of ecological needs.Only by modernizing industrial system and cultivating ecological consciousness can we find a way of ecological development with Chinese characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological Needs, Human Needs, Marxism, Green Development View
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