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Research On Marketing Strategy In Northeast Area For Jilin Sheng Da Heat Preservation Material Company

Posted on:2020-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330575474366Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The building insulation material industry is a new material industry supported and encouraged by China.As the “fifth energy” insulation material,it is widely used in building energy conservation,which can effectively reduce building energy consumption and thus reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP.In mid-July 2017,the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development promulgated the “13th Five-Year Plan for Construction Industry Development”,which mainly clarifies the main objectives and tasks for the sustainable and healthy development of housing and urban-rural construction in the next five years,and requires national architecture in the next five years.The annual average growth rate of the total industrial output value reached 7%,and it is proposed that all urban new residential buildings meet the energy-saving standards.It can be seen that the five-year plan of the 13 th Five-Year Plan will be a five-year period full of opportunities and challenges for the construction industry and related industries.Jilin ShengDa Heat Preservation Materials Company was established in 1996,the company started from the production of EPS insulation board.At present,it is a large group enterprise which is composed of insulation material production,light steel structure,color board manufacture and installation,EPS raw materials and chemical products distribution as a whole.After more than 20 years of development,ShengDa Company has gained a leading position in the market in Jilin Province and even in Northeast China,During the 13 th Five-Year Plan period,the national mandatory building energy-saving standard and the green building material benefit policy came out intensively,which brought a good development opportunity to Jilin ShengDa Company.This paper combines marketing theory with practical experience.Firstly,it starts with the marketing status of Jilin ShengDa Company,and analyzes the problems of ShengDa's marketing from six aspects: product,price,channel,promotion,brand and service.In order to solve the above problems of marketing,the environmental analysis of the insulation material market in Northeast China began to be carried out,and a comprehensive systematic analysis of the marketing environment of ShengDa Company was made from the macro and micro directions.Then,using SWOT analysis method,the company was analyzed.Advantages in the marketing environment,such as market reputation,capital advantages,qualifications,etc.;at the same time,analyze the existing disadvantages,such as weak technical research and development,lack of modern enterprise management concepts,and insufficient development speed of new customers.The continuous development of China's construction industry,new urbanization construction,national building energy conservation mandatory standards and favorable policies have brought good opportunities for the development of thermal insulation materials industry;Shengda Company must accurately grasp external market opportunities,effectively avoid market threats,and clarify its own positioning.Fully researched and obtained the rational and pragmatic marketing strategy of Jilin ShengDa's thermal insulation materials in the Northeast market,that is,the final choice of SO strategy as the main strategy of Jilin ShengDa's marketing.After the overall strategic direction is clear,adopt STP strategy,from the perspective of consumers,according to the different main subjects,divide the insulation material market in Northeast China,find the target market that fits the development strategy of ShengDa,and choose real estate developers and buildings.The three sub-markets of the general contractor and the construction subcontracting unit make full use of the capital advantages and reputation advantages of ShengDa Company in the industry,locate the middle and high-end product areas of the external wall insulation system in Northeast China,and actively create “quality first,service”.The market positioning of high quality and brand guarantee has shaped the leading image,high quality and high-end vivid image of Jilin ShengDa Company in the insulation material market in Northeast China.Thereby completing the market positioning.Adopting the traditional classic 4P marketing combination strategy,combined with the B2 B marketing characteristics of thermal insulation materials,the customer relationship marketing strategy is proposed.Through the above-mentioned research,Jilin ShengDa Company has high quality of products and comprehensive strength of enterprises,and fully exert the company's market popularity advantage in Northeast China,We will further set up a brand image,grasp the opportunities of national economic development and policy benefits,and make use of the capital advantage to widen product lines,increase investment in technology research and development and information technology hardware,expand market share while realizing scientific management of enterprises and ultimately achieving marketing success.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heat Preservation Materials, Northeast Area, Marketing Environment, STP strategy, Marketing Mix Strategies
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