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Research On Elevator Safety Management Problems And Countermeasures In Residential Quarters

Posted on:2019-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J D FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330572462042Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the acceleration of the city's economic development and urban construction,the number of high-rise residential buildings has increased day by day.In residence,elevators are the most important travel carrier,providing convenient conditions for public life.At the same time,they are accompanied by the following problems: installation and management,operation and maintenance,and supervision,which pose challenges to the field of public safety.Among them,the current situation of high-rise residential elevators in residential areas is of the greatest concern.It lacks or weakens the awareness of property rights,does not clearly define the authority of management,lacks standardization of management,and is difficult to pay for its overhaul and renewal,making some elevators not operate smoothly and normally,and various accidents often occur,especially the increasing use time of elevators,which increasingly highlights the above-mentioned problems.This paper discusses the elevator safety management in Taizhou residential district and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.This paper first introduces the background of the study,and then discusses the current situation of elevator safety management in Taizhou residential quarters,mainly including the situation of elevator maintenance and failure and the situation of elevator users.On the basis of this situation,it studies the problems of elevator safety management in Taizhou residential quarters,including the lack of clear management authority,lack of standardization of management,lack of guarantee of quality and safety,etc.At the same time,it also points out that elevator maintenance quality needs to be improved,it is difficult to raise funds for elevator operation and overhaul renovation,the lack of safety awareness of users,and the inadequacy of elevator emergency rescue mechanism.The reason is,first of all,that the lack of laws and regulations makes it difficult for elevator users to safeguard their rights,and that the deviation in the positioning of the regulatory body leads to a low degree of cooperative governance,and that the backward regulatory concept restricts the development of information construction.In addition,the lack of evaluation mechanism makes the hidden dangers of old elevators prominent.Based on this,this paper puts forward the countermeasures to solve the elevator safety management problem in Taizhou residential district,and believes that the division of responsibilities should be clarified and a long-term mechanism should be established.Clarify the main responsibility and strengthensafety supervision;Broaden funding channels and strengthen funding support;Improve the rescue system and raise the level of emergency response.Finally,we should increase publicity and education and establish local laws and regulations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Elevator, Safety management, Residential elevators, taizhou
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