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Research On Xi Jinping's Green Development Concept

Posted on:2019-07-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R H ZouFull Text:PDF
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Xi Jinping's green development view not only adheres to and develops Marx's ecological theory and China's traditional green ecological thought,but also enriches and expands the connotation of our party's green development thought.Article xi of the green development,not only for pure render the scientific theory itself,more important is to vigorously carry forward the thought and theory,fully display its positive significance in the process of the current our country socialist modernization.Xi Jinping's green outlook on development is based on China's development reality and the result of deep reflection on modern industrial civilization and the relationship between man and nature,which undoubtedly has profound theoretical significance and practical value.In the theoretical level,xi Jinping,about the close relationship between human and nature,human practical activities should follow the law of development of nature,green production and green development thought is critical inheritance and innovation of marxist ecological thought in the development of theoretical achievements,greatly expanding the theoretical connotation of Marx's ecological thought,further sublimation of marxist ecological theory.At the practice level,xi Jinping,green development is combined with our country's development present situation,the people's production and living in the publicity and promotion,for better guidance for the construction of China's green development theory,for our country the present population,resources,ecology,environment and coordinated economic and social sustainable development of the important thought of security,to achieve sustainable development of the country has the very important practical significance.In this paper,the literature research method and comparative analysis method are used to study the concept of green development in Xi Jinping.Starting from the formation and development of the theory,this paper discusses the theoretical origin,main content and basic characteristics of the green development view,and the socialist core values Contact,to explore its implied contemporary value,in order to deepen the green development concept of understanding and practical use,to provide reference and reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xi Jinping, green development concept, modern value, core values
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