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Historical Research Of Emmy Noether And Her Family's Contribution To Mathematics

Posted on:2021-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z LiFull Text:PDF
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Being the founder of abstract algebra,Emmy Noether overcame many difficulties and prejudices with her rare perseverance,and achieved promising achievements in mathematics such as abstract algebra and even physics.This made her one of the iconic figures of the rise of German women in the scientific world.Her scientific experience was worth for us to study deeply.After vigorous excavation and comparison of the original documents,it was found that Emmy Noether was not the only one in the family who engaged in mathematical research.This was not being fully disclosed in the previous study of Emmy Noether.This article focused on family members with Emmy Noether,studied the mathematical work and contributions of Max Noether,Fritz Noether,Gottfried Noether.Firstly,we investigated Max Noether,father of Emmy Noether,the founder of mathematical research of the Noether family,reviewed his contributions in the field of algebraic geometry and the history of mathematics.Secondly,based on the German literature,we analyzed Emmy Noether's mathematical life in detail,explored the processes and achievements of Noetherian ring and Noether theorem,and revealed the reasons why Emmy Noether was praised by numerous people.On the basis of the above research,we analyzed Fritz Noether and Gottfried Noether,a father-son mathematician in the Noether family,and discussed their scientific research on turbulence in mathematics and non-parametric method in statistics.After 147 years of generations,mathematical pursuit of Noether family embraced wide fields,covering algebraic geometry,abstract algebra,and non-parametric methods in statistics,as well as the investigation of physical motion by mathematical methods.This great family in mathematics made great contributions to the development of mathematics.It is the Noether family that gave birth to so many mathematical concepts and achievements: Brill-Noether theory,Noether theorem,Noetherian ring,non-parametric statistics,etc.The Noether family is undoubtedly the great mathematics family of the 20 th century.
Keywords/Search Tags:Noether family, Emmy Noether, Max Noether, Fritz Noether, Gottfrid Noether, Abstract algebra
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