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Universal Controlled-phase Gate With Cat-state Qubits In Circuit QED

Posted on:2020-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2370330599960979Subject:Theoretical Physics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cat-state qubits(qubits encoded with cat states)have recently drawn intensive attention due to their enhanced lifetimes with quantum error correction.We here propose a method to implement a universal controlled-phase gate of two catstate qubits via two microwave resonators coupled to a superconducting transmon qutrit.In this article,we first introduce the research background.Second,we introduced the relevant basic knowledge about Quantum mechanics,Quantum informatics and circuit QED including coherent states and Schršodinger cat-states,controlled-phase gates,Jaynes-Cummings models,etc.The main work of this paper is the method to implement a universal controlledphase gate of two cat-state qubits via two microwave resonators coupled to a superconducting transmon qutrit.This scheme has the following advantages:(i)?During the gate operation,the qutrit remains in the ground state;thus decoherence from the qutrit is greatly suppressed.(ii)? This proposal requires only two basic operations and neither classical pulse nor measurement is needed;therefore the gate realization is simple.(iii)?The proposal is quite general and can be applied to implement the proposed gate with two microwave resonators or two optical cavities coupled to a single three-level natural or artificial atom.Finaly,numerical simulations show that high-fidelity implementation of this gate is feasible with current circuit QED technology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Circuit QED, cat-state, controlled-phase gate, qutrit
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