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Research On Just-in-time Optimization Model Based On Convex Resource Allocation

Posted on:2020-08-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X N GengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2370330578966972Subject:General and Fundamental Mechanics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper considers the just-in-time(JIT)optimization model based on convex resource allocation: under the just-in-time production environment with the basic goal of maximizing profit and reducing cost,we study the single-machine and two-machine scheduling problems with convex resource allocation which can reflect the law of diminishing marginal revenue.In these scheduling problems,the actual processing time of the job is related to the job's normal processing time,the position of the job,the learning effect factor and the resource allocation.Our goal is to determine the optimal sequence of the job in the just-in-time production environment,the optimal resource allocation and the optimal due-date,so that the objective function is minimized.The main contents are summarized as follows:Firstly,Chapter 1 introduces the background and significance of the scheduling problems with convex resource allocation in the just-in-time production environment,then summarizes the main contents of the optimization models and some arrangements for the chapters.In Chapter 2,the single-machine model based on convex resource allocation under the just-in-time system is studied.Under the given non-negative position-dependent weights,the single-machine scheduling problem with learning effect and resource constraint based on convex resource allocation about common due-date and slack due-date models are considered.The optimal algorithms which can solve these scheduling problems in polynomial time are given.In Chapter 3,the two-machine no-wait flow shop model based on convex resource allocation under the just-in-time system is studied.Under the common due-date and slack due-date,firstly,we take the total earliness,tardiness,due-dates cost and the resource consumption of all jobs as the objective function,and find the optimal due-dates,optimal sequence and optimal resource allocation,so that the objective function is minimized.Then,based on this model,two models under different constraints are studied: in the case of limited resource consumption,finding the minimum cost about total earliness,tardiness,due-dates;in the case of limited cost function of total earliness,tardiness,due-dates,finding the minimum resource consumption cost.For each of these models,the corresponding problems that can be solved in polynomial time.Chapter 4 summarizes and forecasts the scheduling problems based on convex resource allocation in just-in-time environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:scheduling, convex resource, just-in-time, single-machine, two-machine
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