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The Survey Of Plant Germplasm Resources In Saline Alkali Soil Of Shandong In The Huang-Huai-Hai Plain And Analysis Of Sail Content In Soil

Posted on:2018-09-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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The north-west of Shandong province is close to the Bohai Sea,located in the middle of the Huang-huai-hai plain,and its location is very good.The research place is an important crop production area.By sorting historical data and going to field to collect plants,this article study the plant diversity,total content of eight ion and distribution law of plant in research place,through the result we can improve saline land,breed resistant plants,the results are as follows.1.There are 30 families 60 genera and 74 species of plants in the north-west of Shandong province,89.19 percent of the plants are herb.More than 10 species of the families is just Compositae.The percentage of 1 specie of family is 63.33%.Through the indicators of Margalef richness,Simpson and Shannon-wiener,we can find the Margalef index of Set aria viridis and Imperata cylindrica community is very high but the Suaeda glauca and Suaeda salsa community are just the opposite.So that the first two species are abundant.The Simpson index of Cynanchum chinense community is the highest,but the Flaveria bidentis is the lowest.So that the Cynachum chinense community is abount.Through the Shannon-winner index of Setaria viridis community is higher than other communities.We can infer the diversity of Setaria viridis is better than others.In sort,the diversity of Setaria viridis,Imperata cylindrical and Digitaria sanguinalis community is very high.2.Comparing the eight ion of 35 counties in the Huang-huai-hai Plain(Shandong Province),we find that county with more sodium ions are as follows,Zhanhua,Kenli and Hekou,the countries with more chloride are Hekou,Lijin and Kenli.The most abundant ions in the eight are sodium and chloride,and the sodium ion content is proportional to the chloride ion content so that the salt in the soil of the research area is mainly composed of sodium chloride.By comparing the total salt content of the coastal counties and inland counties,the total salt content of the coastal counties was significantly higher than that in the inland counties.To a certain extent,it can be explained that the salt content in the soil changes with the geographical position.3.The study found that the distribution of plant species and habitat showed a certain regularity.The plant community decrease with the soil salinity increase.The coastal counties mainly composed of Suaeda glauca,Suaeda salsa and Limonium bicolor community,the common accompanying plants are Tamarix chinensis,Artemisia anethoides,Limonium bicolor,Phragmites australis,Suaeda glauca and Suaeda salsa.While the plant community species in island country increased significantly,and the diversity of the community increased,mainly composed of Setaria viridis community,Imperata cylindrica community Digitaria sanguinalis community,Eleusine indica community and Cynodon dactylon community,the common accompanying plants are Setaria viridis,Setaria glauca,Phragmites australis,Cynodon dactylon,Eleusine indica,Digitaria sanguinalis,Taraxacum mongolicum,Amaranthus blitum,Chenopodium album,Humulus scandens,Calystegia hederacea,Convolvulus arvensis and so on.The main families of plant change from Chenopodiaceae to Compositae,Leguminosae and Gramineae,with the change of location.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inland of Shandong, Saline land, Community diversity, soil salt contents, the distribution of plants
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