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Research On Problems And Countermeasures Of Industry Self-regulation In A Internet Industry Society

Posted on:2017-04-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330566956446Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,the new round of global technological and industrial revolution with information technology as the core.Internet is the most dynamic and innovative platform,it is constantly infiltrated into all walks of life,it promotes the development and transformation of social economy.China's Internet industry has shown development trend of new form and deep integration.Industrial structure change is accelerating,industry is developing to the segments,new business and business models are emerging,Business and applications are becoming increasingly rich.With the emergence of new technologies,new business,new products,new formats,network security,data security,cross-border data flows,protection of personal information,open data,internet banking,e-commerce and other frontier areas are facing many problems.To sustained and healthy development of the internet industry,the government,industry societies,internet companies,social and other aspects mutual should support and cooperation.A industry society is the bridges and links of the industry,it is responsible for service management and guidance,it has the function of coordination,organization and coordination.The article focuses on the practice of the industry self-regulation,to explore the main problems and technical key of industry self-regulation work.First,to confirm A internet industry society self-regulation of the main content and focus.Second,to sort out the theory and policy of the self-regulation.Third,from the practical point of departure to discover the problems of the self-regulation,then to analyze.Fourth,to learn from the experience and practice of domestic and foreign construction of the Internet industry self-regulation.Fifth,to inductive method and means of A internet industry self-regulation,then to establish the pragmatic and effective for industry self-regulation.Paper aims to construct theory,policy and practice of self-regulation for the A internet industry society.Government departments in charge,industry society,internet companies and internet users to form composition,the variety of initiatives to effectively landing,to promote the healthy and sustainable development of the internet industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet, Industry Society, Industry Self-Regulation, Countermeasures
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