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Research On The Problems Of Cost Control In A Company

Posted on:2018-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S R SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330542985518Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of economy,the enterprise team of China is growing,and the competition among enterprises is becoming more fierce.Most enterprises are difficult to obtain excessive profits due to the highly homogeneous products provided.If you want to expand the profit space,the most effective way is to reduce costs Therefore,the low cost strategy becomes the most common and most widely used enterprise strategy.The status of enterprise cost control plays an increasingly important role in modern enterprise management.Products of A company are food additives belonging to industrial raw materials.In recent years,the contradiction between supply and demand in the market has led to vicious competition in the industry and the price of products has dropped.In addition,the factory is affected by the surrounding environment and national policy,enterprises are faced with survival challenges and development difficulties.Only by optimizing the cost control system,improving the management level and improving the profit margins of the enterprise can the enterprise survive and seek new opportunities for development.By analyzing the cost control situation of A company,this paper finds out the problems existing in its current control system.Management layer cost control management idea is relatively narrow.The cost control system is not perfect.The budget is not scientific enough,the process control is insufficient,and the assessment mechanism is not perfect.The causes of the above problems are analyzed.Personnel mechanism is not perfect,the company staff cost control consciousness is weak.The unreasonable organization structure leads to low management efficiency.The system of cost control is not running smoothly,and the related system is not perfect,which affects the integrity of the system.In order to solve these problems,we need to change the concept of cost control.Comprehensively consider the validity of cost,not only the amount of revenue and expenditure,but also the effect of control.By introducing ERP system,the construction foundation of cost control system is compacted.Perfecting the comprehensive budget management system,To enhance the level of controlinformation,To improve work efficiency,To Adjust the budget management organization and optimize the budget preparation process.Using the existing internal market-oriented assessment system to extend the concept of comprehensive budget to ordinary employees.Let more staff participate in the budget preparation and control,improve the quality of budget preparation.A comprehensive cost control system should be constructed by comprehensive budget planning and internal marketization assessment.From adjusting organizational structure,reforming personnel mechanism,constructing relevant system system and constructing enterprise culture,the problems and Countermeasures of cost control are put forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:A company, Cost control, Comprehensive budget, Internal marketizationassessment
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