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On The Perfection Of Information Disclosure System Of E-commerce In China

Posted on:2019-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330542954447Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the era of big data,in the commercial operation,information plays an important role in all walks of life need to support a variety of data,especially in the environment of e-commerce,information has become a "currency",is a prerequisite to promote e-commerce industry overall prosperity,but also the key of e-commerce enterprises to obtain core competitive.However,with the increasing demand for information in e-commerce,the authenticity of information in operators has attracted more and more consumers' attention.The problem of information disclosure in e-commerce has also emerged.The information disclosure system is an effective system to protect the right to know,because in e-commerce,the average consumer to the commercial information collecting and understanding more difficult,so the information disclosure system of e-commerce is more and more important,it can ensure that customers make an informed decision on the full grasp of information under the premise of.Therefore,to improve the electronic commerce information disclosure system,to improve the information disclosure system of electronic commerce based on the principle of information disclosure and characteristics of electronic commerce,electronic commerce is an urgent task currently facing the essential development is a kind of electronic commerce,electronic commerce can reduce disputes,protect the interests of consumers,and is of great practical significance.This paper discusses some problems in the legal system of e-business information disclosure.This article is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,which mainly explains the background of the information disclosure of this article and the purpose of the study,which leads to the significance of this study.This paper will use the comparative analysis method,combining theory and practice method,literature reference method,inductive method and other methods of China's e-commerce related theories are summarized,the research method of combining theory with practice to analyze the actual situation of China's electronic commerce information disclosure system.The main idea is the electronic commerce is represent the general trend of Global trade with developed countries in the future,the EU and the United States,the development of electronic commerce in China has just started,whether in reality or in the electronic commerce information disclosure of information disclosure system ofelectronic commerce,there are some gaps and deficiencies.After analyzing and studying the information disclosure system of electronic commerce in China,the necessity of perfecting the information disclosure system in China is summarized.The second chapter is an analysis of the general theory of e-commerce.First,we analyze and summarize the types of e-commerce in China,according to transaction types,including B2 B,O2O,B2 C,C2C,B2 G and other types,according to transaction platform types,including professional trading platform and social trading platform.This two kinds of mutual integration,mutual inclusion;secondly summarize the characteristics of electronic commerce in China,compared with the traditional business model,e-commerce transactions with no time limit and the implementation of customer relationship management,to provide more and better products and services,reduce the transaction cost and transaction characteristics of globalization;again,analysis of the legal elements of e-commerce.To clarify the legal role of e-commerce transactions between the two sides and the other third parties in the transaction process;finally,according to the above analysis,the results of the study,summarize the characteristics of the electronic commerce information disclosure.The main point is to understand the electronic commerce information disclosure theory is the distinction between different types of e-commerce,different platforms,for the later chapters of analysis of e-commerce information disclosure gaps and provide a theoretical basis for improving measures.The third chapter through the review of the relevant laws and regulations,and the current our country electronic commerce information disclosure status of empirical research,analysis and summary of the present disclosure laws and regulations in the electronic commerce information in China,found that the information disclosure legal system of electronic commerce in China exists in practice problems,including problems some of the abnormal behavior and information disclosure system on various omissions.The main point is that there are still some imperfections in the way of e-business information disclosure,content and responsibility division,pointing out the defects and deficiencies in the related contents of e-commerce information disclosure system in China.The relevant provisions of chapter fourth through the information disclosure system of the electronic commerce of the European Union,the United States and South Korea to studyand analysis,understand the advantages of electronic commerce legal system of information disclosure in developed countries,analyzed and summarized the foreign e-commerce information disclosure of China's e-commerce environment to adapt to the legal system,to perfect our country electronic commerce information provided reference and Inspiration of the legal system of disclosure.The main point is with respect to the relevant content of the business information disclosure of China's electronic system,foreign related system shows the content of information disclosure,disclosure of the specific characteristic of diversification,the legal system of China's electronic commerce information disclosure,we should learn foreign related system,learning foreign e-commerce information disclosure principle,improve business information I the electronic system of the disclosure principle.The fifth chapter is aimed at the current situation of the information disclosure legal system of e-commerce in China,and puts forward some suggestions on improving the legal system of information disclosure of e-commerce in China.The main point is to clarify the legislative principles of e-commerce disclosure system,improve the relevant regulations of e-commerce regulations,and improve the relevant provisions of the consumer rights protection act.From the aspect of e-commerce information disclosure legal system construction,we will establish a good external environment for the construction of e-commerce information disclosure system in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-commerce, consumers, information disclosure, the right to know
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