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Research On The Influence And Effect Of Interest Rate Liberalization On The Structure Of Banking Market

Posted on:2018-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H HuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Throughout the process of liberalization of interest rates, the interest rate as the core of financial and macroeconomic variables with the controls and the gradual liberalization of the possibility of increased volatility, as an important financial and banking sector will be the main micro direct impact, combined with China's Commercial Banks realistic operating conditions,interest in the bank's overall revenue share is high, the main business and other non-core businesses are mostly linked to interest rates, interest rate volatility increases uncertainty. As one aspect of the impact of the interest rate market, the banking market structure changed significantly, changes in market structure and competition of scientific evaluation system, you can determine the management structure of the banking industry, changes in the profit structure and risks,Guiding Commercial Banks TRANSFERRED play a market-oriented interest rate advantages, and promote transformation and upgrading of China's banking success, and further enhance the market competitiveness of the banking industry.In this paper, the typical transverse Region Market Interest comparing combined interest rate market practice of using the absolute concentration and the relative concentration index is judged that the market structure of China banking industry trends, the competitive forces and change the source It was measured, and analyzes the effects of disintermediation and competitive banking Forced tightening effect produced. This paper reviews the theory of market interest rates and changes in the market structure, combined with typical Region and China's interest rate market practice, the change of the structure of the entire banking market interest rate market within the span of time has been measured in the measure , in order to more fully and accurately reflect the changes in the market structure, the integrated use of the Harvard School SCP paradigm absolute competition index and relative concentration index Herfindahl index of banking, numerical range and trends of these two indicators to clarify the type of market trends and direction. On this basis, to produce this change in source of competitive strength are classified to the Chicago School ESH paradigm theory origin,combined Panzar-Rosse model was measured power source changes, clear cause variation of banking competition. Through this change in the degree of competition, the role of commercial banks in the financing system of social changes,which produce a weakening of "financial disintermediation," the effect and Forced bank profit model,savings and loan spreads business model and risk control. " Forced effect " Finally, the above effect, made Commercial Bank Management Strategies.
Keywords/Search Tags:interest rate market, banking market structure, Pazar-Rosse model
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