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The Research Of Collective Economy Changes And Development Of Li Village

Posted on:2019-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330542488655Subject:Agricultural Extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Researching on effective realizing forms in developing the rural collective economy,we need to widen our horizon to study the historical form of collective economy,include clan joint property and communal public property.And learn from other types of collective economy management experience.Li Village,Jiande County of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province,is a general village include four natural villages.The natural village of Li,established at AD 986,is still related to theLi aborigines keep the ties of kinship today.Hence,there are lots of information and documents about collective economic change(including clan joint property and communal public property)has been stored.Li village is a desired sample to study the development of collective economy.With the questions above in mind,this article will make an analysis about the above based on the Fieldwork Methods,and attempts torespectively study three periods of Li village collective economic,including before the founding of PRC,from the founding PRC to reform and opening-up and after 30 years of reform and opening up by the Genealogy of Yuhua-Li,historical archives of Li Village.Through the rural collective economic history,this research will expand to the historical form of collective economy include clan joint property and communal public property,learning from history,exploring the development channel of the collective economy,and give the corresponding suggestions.However,the main disadvantages of this paper is due to lack of data,it affects the analysis resultsThis article reached three basic conclusions:(1)Rural collective economy can have many kinds of realization form.Li Village's collective economy from strong to weak and then from weak to strong,because the realizing form diversification in rural collective economy development.During the course of collective economic development in Li Village,the realizing form diversification not only enhances the farmers' income,but also improve the benefit of collective economy.Therefore,the effective realization form diversification can promote economic development and improve farmers' living standards.(2)The basis of developing collective economy is confirming collective property right.Influenced by socialist market economy,farmers' ability to resist the market risk is very weak.Even if the village collective economy can enhance farmers' ability to resist risk,farmers show inert willingness to join collective economic development.Fortunately,Li Village's farmers are glad to be a part of collective economy.The most important is collective assets' rights is still explicit,because of the management regulations of clan public property and communal public property of Li.(3)Peasants should have a sense of ownership to develop the rural collective economy.According to evolved of collective economy "clan joint property and communal public property?mutual-aid team?The Junior Commune?The Senior Commune?People's Commune?the system of the unified and decentralized",farmers only seriously learn the policies and innovative the management regulations,can make collective economy fast-developing.Instead,the collective economic development and structural adjustment are becoming reliant on policy and system,and the internal momentum of the collective economy will be disappeared.For developing the rural collective economy,building the solid material foundation for farmers' development,we can make the following points to do.(1)Adhere to the double-tier management system,develop various forms of rural collective economy.Although the system of unified and decentralized management approval the unified management and decentralized management,the unbalanced development of unified and decentralized have become increasingly prominent.Therefore,correctly handing the relation requires us to promote the innovated and optimized the system.In addition,we should make more explicit the fact that household contract management is one of the forms of the collective economy,and to clarify the legal status of collective economic organizations,develop the collective economy organization and strengthen the unified management functions.(2)Promoting reform the shareholding cooperative system and improve the system of collective property rights.Promoted each farmer contacts with closely collective economic,and brought the interests of both closely by the shareholding cooperative reform.Meanwhile,it is necessary to focus on the allocation between individual shares and group shares,which should be carried out based on the actual situation.(3)Promoting the effective combination of external momentum and internal momentum.The development of rural collective economy depends on government' policies support and peasants themselves.Therefore,only appropriate to strengthen collective unified management,promote the rural resource configuration optimization,promote all kinds of resources transfer to the rural,can strengthen the rural collective economy,promote the combination of external momentum and internal momentum and to find new drivers for growth.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural collective economy, change, development, Li Village
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