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The Effect Of Visual Rhetoric On TV Public Service Advertisement

Posted on:2018-11-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C QiuFull Text:PDF
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As one of the most important forms of modern advertising activities,the spread of public service ads in our country is more and more extensive and in-depth,has penetrated into all aspects of social life.As the requirement of strengthening the socialist core value system,China's public service advertising is not around the promotion of public interest.With the continuous advance of the harmonious society,the public play the role of advertising is self-evident,the TV advertisement is more arouse people concern for social problems,urging people to use practical actions to solve these issues for the purpose.Therefore,in order to conform to the mainstream value orientation of the public,a large number of visual rhetoric has begun to appear in the TV public service advertisements.In this paper,from the perspective of television public service ads in the presentation of visual rhetoric and performance characteristics,based on the theoretical framework of persuasion research on the relationship between visual rhetoric and TV public service advertising effect.The first part of the paper first clarifies the research background and the research value of the relevant issues,and makes a hypothesis that the visual rhetoric affects the communication effect of TV public service advertising.Based on the theory of persuasion,this paper constructs the research perspective and framework.Summarizes the status quo,visual rhetoric theory,advertisement concept,persuasion theory definition of related research at home and abroad;further samples using content analysis and in-depth interview survey research data.The second part discusses in detail the visual rhetoric in the television public service advertising presentation,through content analysis,the sample and the visual rhetoric features summary,that exists in most TV advertisement in the visual rhetoric,different types of TV advertisement selection of visual rhetoric used by different TV public service ads of the time do not influence the existence of visual rhetoric,unit production of television public service ads on the use of visual rhetoric has a certain influence;the third part of the extension of thinking on the basis of the two parts,through the content analysis of visual rhetoric data that can promote the cognition of the TV advertisement audience,changing the audience attitude and use of visual rhetoric;easy to change the behavior of the audience was determined by the depth interview.In the last part,the author makes a summary of the visual rhetoric in the TV public service advertisement,and puts forward the countermeasures and approaches to the development of the present situation of the TV public service advertisement.The results of the study show that how to promote the TV advertisement dissemination effect,arouse public action,because the advertising picture is persuasive,visual rhetoric as an important mode of TV advertisement visual communication,enrich the visual rhetoric of TV public service ads,lifting the TV public service advertisement dissemination effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:visual rhetoric, TV public service advertisement, Persuasion effect
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