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China-Africa Cooperation Impact On The Nigerian Public Perception And Government Policy Formation

Posted on:2018-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T H N A n t h o n y AnFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330536981684Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The last 30 years of China‘s economic boom made China‘s economic story one of the most fascinating in the world.The economic fortunes have been largely based on exports.At a time when the world economy is experience a slowdown and economic opportunities are saturated,China seeks to restructure the country‘s economy.China‘s grand plan is to move up the value chain.This includes a lot of processes like upgrading China‘s capabilities to make high-tech products,building up lower-end industrialization capacities in other countries and in general going global.Many people argue that this is the basic idea behind the One Belt – One Read Strategy which emphasizes industrialization in addition to infrastructure.Industrialization happens to be the big economic plan for many African countries.Since global demand for commodities are shrinking,African countries that formally relied on exporting their natural resources are looking to make the transition to industrialized economies.China has pledged its assistance on a basis of win-win cooperation and noninterference in countries‘ internal affairs.This has led to another more active era of economic cooperation.Foreign Minister Wang Yi calling Beijing ?a most desirable and reliable long-term partner for Africa to achieve industrialization.?There have been criticisms especially from the western countries about China‘s activities in Africa.This has given rise to many skeptics both within and beyond the continent.Therefore this research seeks to ascertain the position of the African people in regards to China‘s economic activities on the continent.The research also seeks to outline the nature of China – Africa Cooperation impact on government policies.The research also contains criticisms and challenges of China – Africa cooperation and gives recommendations on how they could best be tackled as proposed by the author.2400 questionnaires covering a wide range of correspondents were filled in Nigeria.Nigeria was used as a case study due to its strategic important to China – Africa Cooperation.Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa and the highest exporter of gas,a regional superpower,the first country to sign a strategic partnership agreement with China,one of China‘s largest business partners on the continent,a destination to the highest amount of China‘s FDI,and Nigeria happens to have a long cooperation history with China among other features.This research ascertains the support of the Nigerian populace for further integration with China,China‘s economic activities,China‘s model of development and the positive influence of China‘s Economic Activities on both the economy and on public policies.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Africa, Nigeria, Cooperation Impact, Public Perception, Government Policy, Policy Formation
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