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Investigation And Research On The Implementation Of Commercial Registration System In Dalian

Posted on:2018-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D HanFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,great changes have taken place in China's economic environment,the economic system has experienced a transformation from planned economy to market economy,at the beginning of this century and joined the world trade organization,further with the world economic system of integration,China's commercial registration system also with the changes in the environment have also been constantly the reform and perfection.In 2013 the party's eighteen big held,the meeting pointed out the need to further stimulate the vitality of the market,adapt to the development of domestic productivity,lists the further reform of commercial registration scheme,the regulations governing the registration of company law and company rules were revised,in 2014 March began to promote the implementation of the nationwide.The implementation of commercial registration system reform has been in Dalian for two years,for the Dalian market has brought what changes,whether reached the beginning of the reform,whether there is what the problem is,whether there is room for improvement,the author wants to conduct statistical research and analysis through the related groups of Dalian commercial registration system implementation,to obtain objective conclusion.This article from the commercial registration system reform for the investigation of specific policy perspective,literature on the commercial registration system to collect reference queries on the official data,the research subject is divided into two parts of industrial and commercial registration officers and staff,and for the two groups of application research interviews with two different survey questionnaires to the change of commercial registration and policy as the main line,such as the "three in one" policy,after the first photo card "policy,the registered capital subscribed system" policy,the principle of examination design problems are analyzed.A total of 400 questionnaires issued statistics,the effective recovery of 374,achieved different identity,different age and education level of respondents for the status of the implementation of Dalian commercial registration system views,suggestions for different registration review points before and after the reform of data acquisition,and the industrial and commercial registration staff were interviewed from the Registrar from the perspective of commercial registration for comparative analysis before and after the implementation of different policies before and after the reform,the market changes,the main problems in the current Dalian commercial registration system implementation still exist,the room for improvement in the aspects of research,combining the expert literature in domestic academic field,the research results of the data analysis,the commercial registration system reform in Dalian after the implementation of the enterprise market,lowering the threshold,increase the vitality of the market results,to achieve the expected goal of reform However,the study also found that in the presence of a legal basis,registration procedures and other issues in the process of commercial registration,in the further reform,Dalian city commercial system to further enhance the vitality of market players to provide recommendations,provide a reference for policy making.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dalian, commercial registration, Investigation and study
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