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ST Company Asset Restructuring Case Study

Posted on:2018-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F NingFull Text:PDF
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As the main method of resource allocation of listed companies,asset restructuring has been the hottest topic in the global capital market.Asset reorganization is an important means to increase the value of listed companies through meeting the target of operating,establishing the social position and increasing the benefit of shareholders.But the result of the reorganization varies from negative to positive.Thus it is the valuation of the result can summarize the question and lead to a better result in next activity about the details of the item.And exploring the relationship between reorganization and the result is the key to have a better understand of reorganization.This paper focuses on asset restructuring and asset restructuring after the performance analysis of a ST company,in order to evaluate the effect of asset restructuring from various aspects.Firstly it presents the concept and classification of asset reorganization.Then demonstrating the details of this asset restructuring,the gradual analysis,And select the solvency,operating capacity and profitability,three perspectives,on the performance of the asset restructuring evaluation including the difference comparison before and after the 2012 reorganization of enterprises in the financial situation,the enterprise can be compared with the same industry ratio of listed companies as well as the enterprises in the five years later and the reorganization of the comparative analysis of indicators with the average of industry.And the analysis combined with the strategic management and national policy to analyze and evaluate.Finally,to summarize the enterprise the asset restructuring and put forward management advice,to help the enterprise and other similar enterprises in the reorganization of assets to the responsibility,in strategic level,management level and core competitiveness level to avoid the poor performance of the reorganization and trouble during restructuring or reorganization brings to enterprise so that to stabilize its operating environment,and maintain the profitability of the enterprise,creat the largest shareholder's profit,the true meaning of asset restructuring.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reorganization, Performance analysis, Comparative analysis
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