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The Practrice And Enlightenment Of Lean Production Management In ZUOAN

Posted on:2017-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518981013Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lean Manufacturing is a Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the study of Toyota production summed up a new production management.Lean core objective is to eliminate all waste within the enterprise,its main purpose is to make rational use of resources within the enterprise,reduce waste and maximize benefits.And this coincides with the target to achieve positive business development goals of today's clothing.Therefore,the lean production management research can promote rational use of resources within the enterprise to solve the waste problem of internal resources and reduce unneeessary business costs.By studying Zuoan of lean production management clothing import mode of operation,summed up the implementation of lean production management began to imitate the form of a series of measures late to understand the concept of lean production after the analysis of the enterprise implementation process and lack of experience,and research countermeasures to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises,in the hope the other is the implementation of lean production management of garment enter:prises play a role in some of the revelations.Based on Zuoan of apparel operational analysis of the situation and look for business operations problems,including uneven quality of employees,the overall lack of enthusiasm for work;the company's existing hardware facilities can not meet the company's development needs;overall manufacturing operations in hardware there are still short board;processing of orders there is a big uncertainty,the production line unbalanced,aaffecting the normal development of enterprises;management behind the foundation,several effects companies normal positioning.Thus elaborated Left Bank Clothing Co.,lean production management,and operational aspects of the concept,process management,evaluation,and other changes in the external environment of urgency.The author of Lean Production Management in Zuoan to keep track of the implementation process,focusing on the operational status of Zuoan management Garments Co.,Ltd.,made a quantitative analysis of the status quo,found insufficient operations exist for the lack of proposed reform program,on the basis of clear Zuoan of apparel Lean production management process in the direction of reform,and Kanban management,work standardization,eliminate waste and fast transfers and other lean production management tools after Zuoan of the clothing use to achieve the effect of the comparison,and certainly lean apparel production management in the implementation of the outcome of Zuoan.Finally,on the application of lean production management benefits after Zuoan made clothing,summarized Zuoan of apparel using lean manufacturing approach to reform measures and reforms operational management experience,found on Zuoan of lean production management applications exist Clothing Co.blind the pursuit of one-piece flow production,the blind pursuit of zero inventory,lean production management a mere formality,full participation is weak,biased understanding of supply chain flexibility,ignoring the external environment,cost control and other aspects need to be strengthened.And put forward seven aspects of improvement measures adopted lean production management,production planning and direction;docking advanced enterprises,planning and reasonable inventory;strengthen lean production management,strengthen the integration of the adjustment and optimization;focus on human development,encouraging full participation in management;strengthen Flexible Supply understanding and construction chains;strengthening fine management,both inside and outside;the use of advanced technology to reduce production costs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lean Production, Clothing enterprises, Production management
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