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An Investigation Report On The Enterprise Financing Constraints In Yuetong District Of Xiangtan City

Posted on:2018-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L TangFull Text:PDF
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At present,China is in the critical period of the structural reform of the supply side.The economic growth rate has gradually slowed down and entered the "new normal state".In this context,the enterprises generally reflect the financing difficulties and the financing of the enterprises.Hinder the transformation of enterprises,innovation and investment a huge obstacle.In July 2016,the State Council issued the Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Investment and Financing System,and made it clear that deepening the reform of investment and financing system is an important part of strengthening the structural reform of the supply side.Under the new situation,it is not only the inherent demand of enterprise development,but also an important prerequisite to promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises to change the mode of economic growth.Therefore,it puts forward new requirements for alleviating the problem of corporate financing constraints in the background of the current supply side structural reform,and also provides a new starting point for the study of corporate financing constraints.This article Based on the background of the supply-side structural reform,and use the example of Yuetong District of Xiangtan City.By the way of making interviews with the government and issuing questionnaires to its enterprises,we got the current situation of the enterprise's operation(The basic situation and the operation situation)and financing(the demand and use of financing,the financing situation and the financing environment)in Yuetong District.The results of the survey show that there are mainly financing constrain problem in Yuetong District,such as the financing of private enterprise Relatively difficult,large enterprises financing gap,almost a single financing channel,high financing cost and poor financing environment,ect.The factor from information asymmetry,enterprises qualification is poorer,insufficient of the financial institutions and government policies led to those financial problemFinally,the research report based on fact analysis,from the promotion of their own financing capacity,financial supply and business needs,increase policy support and other aspects of the proposed recommendations,which Yue Tong and even the central region more effective improvement of urban and urban areas Enterprise financing situation has a certain reference and inspiration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yuetong district, financing constraints, research report
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