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Multidimensional Poverty Identification And Influencing Factors Of Rural Households In Western China

Posted on:2018-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518479659Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China has great achievements in anti-poverty.In 2000-2010,the absolute poverty poor have decreased by 67.34 million in China rural areas.However,poverty still exists,and rural poverty in western China is still very serious.At the end of 2015,there have more than half of rural poor in western China.56.39% of China's state poverty counties are located in the western region.In 2014,the per capita disposable income of rural residents in the western China was about 2 times lower than that of urban residents.With the poverty alleviation into the crucial period,the traditional monetary poverty standard can't accurately reflect the number and depth of the poor.In the case of rural poverty in western China is still serious,poverty and difficulties in identifying poverty in poverty reduction policies,how to practically and accurately develop identification standards and poverty reduction measures is the key to solve the problem of poverty in western China.This paper uses the data from Shaanxi Province,Luonan County,Zhen'an County,Gansu Province,Qingshui County,Yunnan Province,Wuding County,Huize County,Guizhou Province,Panxian County,Zheng'an County,seven state-level poor counties 1560 households,and establishes a multi-dimensional poverty identification index system to identify the poor farmers,and empirically analyzes the main impact factors of poverty,to alleviate poverty in western China and provide theoretical guidance for China current and 2020 poverty alleviation strategies.The main contents and conclusions of this study are as follows:Firstly,Multidimensional Poverty Identification of Rural Households in Western China.According to the research data of poverty-stricken counties in western China and the poverty status,this paper based on UNDP-MPI which including three dimension(health,education,living conditions)expands social relations and women's rights dimension.This paper develops a simple and easy to operate index system,a total of 5 dimensions and 11 indicators,and using AF method,to find out multidimensional poor people in western China.The incidence of multidimensional poverty was 39.0%.The poorer and very poor farmers accounted for 32.9% in western China.Education poverty is most serious,the contribution to the multidimensional poverty index is 28.6%,followed by the women's rights dimension(25.1%).Secondly,Multidimensional Poverty Influencing Factors of Rural Households in Western China.This paper uses the logit model to study the impact of cross-farm and village-level factors on the multi-dimensional poverty of farmers,and uses the multiple linear regression model to study the influence of these factors on the depth of multi-dimensional poverty.The empirical results show that,1)Women are helpful in alleviating multidimensional poverty.2)Working labor go to the city to bring back higher income also help to alleviate poverty.3)Infrastructure can effectively alleviate poverty by reducing the cost of farmers' participation in the market.4)Economic growth has a limited effect on deep poverty.Therefore propose the following recommendations: 1)establish and optimize the criteria for the identification of multidimensional poverty in China rural areas.2)focus on cultivating the self-development capacity of the poor.3)give full play to the role of women in poverty alleviation.4)guide the rational transfer of rural labor.5)continuous optimization of income distribution.6)take a variety of measures to improve food safety.
Keywords/Search Tags:Western China, Multidimensional Poverty, Identification, Influencing Factors
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