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The Formation And Development Of The Poverty Alleviation And Development Road With Chinese Characteristics

Posted on:2018-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Z XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518465418Subject:History of development of Marxism
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Poverty as a common phenomenon in the international community is a serious challenge facing mankind and a major development issue that must be addressed.In a certain sense,the history of human social development is the history of the struggle against poverty.China,as the world's most populous developing country,is also the world's most populous country,has long been a serious problem of poverty.Since the reform and opening up,the successive Chinese Communist Party leaders,led by Deng Xiaoping,Jiang Zemin,Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping,have led the people of the whole country to explore the poverty alleviation and development work on the basis of upholding the Marxist anti-poverty theory and have gone out of a Chinese-Poverty alleviation and development.Looking back on the development and development of the road for poverty alleviation and development of Chinese characteristics,it is necessary to sum up the experience of "China's poverty reduction experience" and the inevitable requirement of further expanding the road of poverty alleviation and development with Chinese characteristics.At the beginning of the reform and opening up,China's poverty history,system prerequisite,material basis;to improve the people's livelihood needs and the essential requirements of socialism;the theme of the transition and the promotion of the global poverty reduction constitute a combination of poverty alleviation and development of Chinese characteristics of the background.In this context,the Chinese characteristics of poverty alleviation and development of the road to inherit and develop the Marxist anti-poverty theory,drawing on foreign anti-poverty theory and international poverty reduction concepts and experiences,absorbing the first generation of the Communist Party of China leading collective anti-poverty practical experience,these common Constitute the ideological origin of poverty alleviation and development with Chinese characteristics.As a result,the path of the development of poverty alleviation and development of Chinese characteristics has been completed.Based on the formulation of special poverty alleviation and development,the establishment of poverty alleviation institutions and the time point of documentary poverty alleviation documents,this paper systematically combs the development course of poverty alleviation and development path with Chinese characteristics and divides it into exploration(1978—1985),Basic formation(1986—2000),in-depth development(2001—2010)and further expansion(2011 to present),and analyzes the poverty alleviation goals,poverty alleviation subjects,poverty alleviation objects and poverty alleviation methods at every stage.After Systematically sorted out,the analysis summed up two important conclusions.First,the basic experience of the development of poverty alleviation and development with Chinese characteristics is analyzed.It mainly includes the following four points:to play the Chinese characteristics,always adhere to the fundamental principles of poverty alleviation;based on the poverty situation,timely adjustment of poverty alleviation goals,poverty standards and targeting;clarify poverty alleviation ideas,continuous improvement of poverty reduction strategy;combined with the development of the times,mode.Second,it is concluded that the development of poverty alleviation and development of Chinese characteristics has important theoretical and practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Since the reform and opening up, Chinese characteristics poverty alleviation and development path, Formation and development
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