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Financial Fraud Case Analysis And Countermeasures On Nanfang Ltd.

Posted on:2017-08-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J MaFull Text:PDF
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With economic development,China's capital market has made considerable progress.Whether there is tremendous growth in the economy or the total number of companies.But in the process,financial fraud frequent being constantly broke.From earlier Dongfang Electronics until the Green earth and Wanfushengke in recent years,financial fraud occurred in China intensified,means more complex fraud,financial fraud amount is growing.Listed company or to cover losses or to whitewash financial data,more and more to manipulate financial data by means of fraud,to meet the needs of their own interests.False financial statement information not only allows investors to make the wrong decisions,resulting in huge economic losses.At the same time,also on the healthy development of China's capital market has had a negative impact.State-owned enterprises in China's economic aggregate has been occupying a large proportion of the national economy and in many areas of scarce resources or economic dominance in the hands of state-owned enterprises.But because of the defect itself economy,all state-owned enterprises lack management,despite the establishment of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the organizations of their regulation,but there is still a long chain of agents,regulation is not in place.Eventually leading enterprises,state-owned enterprises than the average,more fraud occur.Once a state-owned enterprise is fraud,not only will investors suffer losses,it will face a serious loss of state assets.So pay attention and research state-owned enterprises financial fraud is particularly important.In this paper,in the state-owned Nanfang,was to analyze the internal and external reasons for its occurrence reasons of financial fraud.For different reasons,the proposed construction companies need to strengthen the internal audit and internal governance structure optimization measures.While overseeing the Commission and accounting firms are also very important.By Nanfang fraud analysis,also we hope to financial fraud that may occur on the capital market recognition.For corporate financial fraud has occurred,it can also provide some viable treatment measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nanfang Ltd., Financial fraud, Internal Governance
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