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Trade In The Process Of Sino-U.S. Reconciliation

Posted on:2018-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y DingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515468933Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the 1970s,“expanding trade relations” has been a core issue in the process of Sino-U.S.reconciliation.This thesis focuse on a non-government organization,which was founded under the direction of U.S.government.Based on an analysis of mutual documents,this thesis aims to clearify how those factors on both trade and politic side,such as “trade volume” “trade connection” “political mutual relations” “political movements”,interacted with each other.Thus,shall we have a better understanding of the vital role trade had played not only in the process of U.S.-China Reconciliation,but also in the social transformation of china in the late 1970 s.Besides introduction and conclusion,this thesis is devided into 4 parts.In the first part,after a brief introduction of policy towards China before 1973,the author clearified the fact that since January 1973,the U.S.government tried to establish a further trade relation with china through Peking Liaison and the NCUSCT.NCUSCT's successful visit to Beijing in November officially opened the trade dialogue between the two countries.Facing the eager proposals from the U.S.side,China did give some positive responses,but,again,seemed to be reluctant.The second part mainly focuse on how political movement influenced process,especially the actions of NCUSCT.On one hand,NCUSCT received cold receptions in China;on the other hand,they did develop a good working relationship with Chinese liason office in Washionton D.C.Through a carefully evaluation,the author believes that the political impact on trade was limited,the main reason for CCPIT's cold reaction was their lowfile strategy under the great political pressure.The third part deals with a paradox which demonstrates a great decline in mutual trade volume on one side,on the other side,however,trade exchanges were actually heating between PRC and U.S.After analyzing the specific consitituent of trade volume,and a comparative reading of mutual docoments,the author thinks that it was economic pressure,instead of the diplomatic aims,that decided the decline of mutual trade volume.The forth part analysises the progress under the terrible political circumstance in 1976.By discussing the great political pressure from both diplomatic strait and domestic politics,the author argues that under such an extreme environment,though, relations had successfully maintained its own clue of development.
Keywords/Search Tags:U.S.-China Reconciliation, U.S.-China Trade, NCUSCT, CCPIT, China Foreign Trade
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