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The Path And Method Research Of Development Innovation For The Business Of The Trust Company

Posted on:2017-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A G ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515465292Subject:Executive MBA
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper,we begin essay into the council from general theoretical analysis of the trust,trust business and trust business innovation.It reviews and investigates the development and innovation process of trust business in the two historical stages before and after “a law two rules”,and finally it sums up three paths for the innovation of the trust business.First,the classification of trust business carries out following a standardized defined,and this article is originality in the industry for the identified of the type of trust business.Second,according to the business type of trust business has regulatory significance,namely the so-called qualified class of business innovation in the market access requirements.Third,the innovation type of trust business carries out according to the market driven of competition and regulatory game.This completes logically to description the different types of the innovation of trust business,the methods and trends.The study has some significance to the practical work,and choose the SD Trust Company for the example.This paper describes the trust industry as a financial pioneer and leader image in innovation system and power supply sources,analyses the base case of the innovation products and innovative qualification business within the scope of business.It explores the prospects of trust business innovation from both theory and practice,the purpose is to cultivate the core competitiveness of the industry.The purpose of this study is not to provide a specific trust business innovation model,but the logic revealing in the trust business innovation should be able to provide a reference for the sustainable profit model.In the future,it will present a broader perspective and clearer outlook on this basis for the research of the trust business innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trust Business, Development Innovation, Path Research, SD Trust Company
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