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Research On Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Of Elevator Maintenance Based On AHP-FCE

Posted on:2017-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515463702Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Customers are defined as the foundation of enterprise which is the root motivation to drive company development.As the gap from competitors of different industries such as manufacturing cost,product quality and management system is shrinking,the best method to improve and achieve competitive excellence has turned to accurately meet or even surpass customer expectation and improve customer satisfaction.It is the power of winning customer satisfaction which needs to be innovated and solid,other than the advanced manufacturing procedures which are much easier to be copied.In this case,enterprises must realize to act and enhance against better customer satisfaction level so as to foster development and win margin with the specific and featured culture.In this thesis,focusing on elevator maintenance customers and industrial features,the satisfaction research system is established utilizing AHP-FCE with references from domestic and oversea specialists' study result.In this article,AHP is utilized firstly to analysis all elements which impacts elevator maintenance customer satisfaction.Comparison matrix is established to ensure weight of each criteria.Secondly,with the feedback and data collected from maintenance customer satisfaction survey of T Elevator Company,FCE is utilized to calculate the general customer satisfaction result.At last,based on the analysis result,improvement actions will be proposed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Customer Satisfaction, AHP-FCE, Evaluation System, Elevator Maintenance
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