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Research On Satisfaction Of Non-Standard Housing Products In Beijing

Posted on:2018-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X PeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330512971724Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Airbnb as a shared economy under the staggering non-standard accommodation,the current market value has reached 25.5 billion dollars,not only their own rapid development,more Chinese entrepreneurs have opened up a non-standard accommodation path.In 2015,the State Council issued "on accelerating the development of life service industry to promote the consumption structure of the guidance",named "active development of the guesthouse,short-term apartment,long-rent apartment." With the policy support,non-standard accommodation in the country's growing hot.Although non-standard accommodation market prospects,but the current non-standard residential products there are some problems,such as personalized this is the soul of non-standard accommodation products,but products and services convergence phenomenon has been quietly spreading and excessive and improper design violations The basic rules of accommodation services,but will reduce the sense of a sense of the guests,which are seriously affect the non-standard accommodation products,satisfaction,and with the rapid development of the Internet in China,tourism enterprises have long been integrated into the tide of the Internet,Customer evaluation is not only a true reflection of customer needs,but also the direction of enterprise reform,when the enterprise customer evaluation will be integrated into the development of enterprises,internal changes and benefits of growth,it will be the role of the market economy Lucrative returns.The study on the satisfaction of non-standard accommodation products can help the tourism enterprises find the satisfied or dissatisfied content of the accommodation products so that the enterprises can improve the products and services,improve the network marketing and improve the customer's satisfaction,Enhance customer loyalty and enhance word of mouth.In this paper,by using the Web crawler technology to crawl all the non-standard lodging products in Beijing,the software ROSTCM6 and certain programming and manual processing will be used to categorize the user comments of the crab crawling technology.The paper constructs the evaluation index system of non-standard residential product satisfaction and constructs the evaluation index system of non-standard residential product satisfaction by the method of keyword assignment and index weight distribution.Based on the designed algorithm,non-standard residential products Evaluation index,dimension and overall satisfaction score.By calculating the data,it can be seen that the customer satisfaction of Beijing non-standard accommodation products is low,the customer is not satisfied with the facilities of non-standard accommodation products,and the service satisfaction is low.At the end of this paper,using the radar chart analysis method to analyze the calculated values,while using UCNET software on the representative indicators of the network center analysis to identify the impact of non-standard accommodation in Beijing customer satisfaction factors such as facilities,Service,health,etc.,and accordingly put forward the corresponding improvement recommendations such as the development of relevant industry standards,related businesses focus on individual services and strengthen infrastructure construction,with a view to helping non-standard accommodation enterprises to improve customer satisfaction.The innovation of this paper is to convince the visitors that the comments are quantified and the corresponding data are processed.The conclusion is more convincing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Non-standard accommodation, satisfaction, User's Comments Mining, customer reviews
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