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Analysis Of The Obstacles To The Transmission Of Children's Movies

Posted on:2017-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2358330482490271Subject:Journalism and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Children's film as guardians of the child's mind with entertainment, aesthetic, moral education, intellectual education and other functions, charged with guiding children to understand the world, feel the true, the good and the beautiful, distinguish the false, the bad and the ugly of. Since 2012, the Chinese film market is developing rapidly, by 2015 the total box office breakthrough the 400 million mark, city theater attendance reached 12.6 million. Although these figures gratifying, but 400 million at the box office children's film accounted for than are few, the situation children's watching is also not optimistic.There are obstacles in children's film communication. The author combines her real experience of participating in the children's film projects to questionnaire survey of 900 6?14 year old primary and secondary school students' in the 6 schools(including training institutions) to analyze the current spread of children's films in China, and try to put forward some suggestions on these issues.This thesis mainly analyze the spread of the children's film from structural barriers and functional barriers. Structural barriers mainly discusses the political, cultural and economic influences on children's movie dissemination; functional barriers mainly discuss the creation, form and thought of the children's film.This paper is divided into five parts:The first part is the introduction. First of all, the paper discusses the background and significance of the research. Under the background of the rapid development of China's film market, children's film industry downturn is not harmonious. Exploring the communication barrier of children's film is helpful in understanding and solving practical problems. and complete description about children's film communication obstaclesis is rare whether in China and abroad, so the author hopes to can form a more clear explanation of this problem through this research. And the research object is the children's film and film target audience(6?14 years old children). Research methods used are questionnaires crossover analysis method and SPSS analysis method and so on.The second part is the first chapter. Firstly, this paper clarifies the concept of children's film ?? the film should matching the mental development of children in each growth stage, which children are willing to accept. Next, analysis children's film audience and function of the children's film to understand the characteristics of the audience and the children's film function and reflect the value of this study. Then, state the production and spread of the children's film ?? less quantity, less feedback. The author analysis the situation children's watching characteristics by the questionnaire survey data processing ?? most of the children like watching movies but can not tell the types of films, the majority of children through the network to watch films. And many children pay attention to the content when they choose the film to watch.The third part includes the second chapter and the third chapter, which is also the key point of this thesis.The second chapter and the third chapter mainly discusses the barriers of children's film spread. The structural barriers are discussed from three dimensions of politics, culture and economy.Politics: different environment of politics and literature policy make different influence the spread of children's film. Culture: every cion has two sides, so dose traditional culture. Our gorgeous and splendid traditional culture provide amount of material for the creation of children's film and the ideological content also has a dual effect. In addition, foreign culture would in imperceptible change or leads to the children's social cognition and value view of the establishment. Economy's influence is the focus of the paper ?? the author found that the economic and social development of areas and parental education and occupation are all make the spread of children's film different through the analysis of questionnaire . Through the analysis of the current China's film market, children's film are squeezed by adult films and foreign animation and market capital. After talk with the children's film MAIDOU'S SUMMER producer, director, screenwriter and if cadres movie content analysis that functional communication disorders of the children's film the creation of children's film the creation of the children's film off, form is monotonous, thought not prominent, in addition to the outside and level of China's film industry is not high, children's film broadcast way is the functional disorder.The fourth part is the fourth chapter. This part mainly in view of the above problems discussed children's movie dissemination strategy, creation to establish a correct concept, pay attention to the "awareness of children and children" spirit of the game ", children's film build to release the children's nature, culture imagination; adhere to the" children centered ", put an end to the creation of the children's film" adult thinking "intrusion; enhance screenwriting accomplishment; rich children's film creation type; be good at digging the essence of traditional culture; raising the level of marketing, to attach importance to the development of the industry of; reasonable integration projection resources, broaden children's movie channels; give full play to the children's movie review.The fifth part is the conclusion. This part is the summary of the paper, and points out the lack of research, and looks forward to the future research ideas and directions.Excellent children's films can enlighten the mind, enrich people's spiritual world, so the effective dissemination of children's film has very important practical significance. Children are a special group, the protection of the rights and interests needs joint efforts of all sectors of society, creator and producer should have strong awareness of children, to adhere to the principle of "child centered", for many excellent works. Government, relevant departments, schools and parents to pay great attention to the children's viewing needs to create the conditions allow children to watch the belongs to own excellent films.
Keywords/Search Tags:Children's film, communication barriers, market, capital, transmission strategy
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