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The Study Of The Influence Of Functional Training On The Balance Ability Of Dance Cheerleaders

Posted on:2018-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2357330518968304Subject:Physical Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Functional training is a multidimensional model of systematic training,focusing on each joint to stimulate the athlete to participate in the movements of the body,and functional trai ning improve muscle control and balance of stability.Functional training can avoid traditiona l training in a single joint training caused by sports injuries.Dance cheerleading is compose d of dance movement,transitional,lifts fit of cheerleading and dance composed of all kinds of d ifficulties.Cheerleading dance show dance cheerleading players difficult and beautiful skills.Ch eerleading Dance requires dancing cheerleadingathlete needs to have a high level of athletic abil ity,dancing cheerleading sport on athletes balancing requirements are very strict.As dance chee rleading when athletes often athletes' balance as one of the important indicators of selection.W hile training in dance cheerleading,athletes needs cientific and effective dance cheerleading trai ning training methods.In the current athletic training,functional training is a more scientific adv anced training methods,training with innovative training concept,training of innovative ideas gr adually permeated dance cheerleading training system.Functional training combined with danc e cheerleading motion control,take action faster positioning mellow,take action to maintain th e characteristics of the project,and then through literature search and expert information after t he interview,.Dance cheerleading training experiments include control of the shoulder training t runk stability,core training,flexibility of hip joint training,knee cushion train,ankle supports fi ve aspects,contents,a total of 24 specific exercises.This is vibrant in Shandong Normal University Cheerleading Squad of 14 players for the ex periment,they carried out experiments of this dance cheerleading training content.In training be fore the experiment,I'm dancing cheerleading basic equilibrium in athletes test as well as the sp ecial balance of the test,functional training after the experiment,I test the athlete's basic balance and again special balanced index.My statistical analysis tests athletes before and after both th e basic balance,as well as specific test data,I summed up the conclusions.1 Dancing cheerleading players ' basic balance testis: closed feet to maintain balance on on e foot.Afterdance cheerleading training athletes,14 dance cheerleading players increased the bas ic balance has dance cheerleading training the basic balance has a positive impact on athletes.2 Dance cheerleading special balancing test is divided into three parts: jumping,turning a nd churning,60 second clapping push-ups and the balance left and right legs every 5 seconds.A dds test scores in these three parts together as a dancing cheerleading athletes special balancin g grade.Eradicate dancing cheerleading training tests before and after specific balance test sco res athletes special balance has greatly improved.Dance cheerleading training on athletes ' speci al balance has a high effectiveness.
Keywords/Search Tags:functional training, dance cheerleading, athlete's balance abilities
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