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American Family History School-based Curriculum Research

Posted on:2018-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the twentieth Century,American history textbooks have shifted from the traditional narrow political and military history to the history of ordinary social groups.The history curriculum system of the United States from the family history and community history,the history of state to the United States and world history presents the historical concept of a geographical space from the near to the distant and personal life to expand social change.Under this background,the United States in 2010 California La Ca?ada high school developed a family history of school-based curriculum.The course of family history as a major source of visual materials were incorporated into the survey course of family history,to guide students to make valid inferences,summary and evaluation of the raw materials,help students build the historical narrative in the master historical basis,and demonstrates how the Shi Yuan family material linked to the history of the world theme.In 2016,the United States to develop and implementLa Ca?ada high school practice investigation of family history of school-based curriculum,to write a thesis.This paper is divided into four parts.The first part is the introduction,including the reason and significance of the topic,the research status of the history education and family history at home and abroad,the related core concepts and research methods and innovation.The second part is the family history of school-based curriculum background,including the influence of American society,the historical theory of immigrants to the United States "roots" and promote the upsurge of "national history curriculum standard" and "California history social science curriculum standard" lead.The third part is the content and implementation of the family history of school-based curriculum,including the general situation of La Ca?ada high school,family history of school-based curriculum development and teaching practice.The fourth part is the characteristics of the school-based curriculum of American family history,including a variety of ways of learning history,curriculum development combined with the history of theory and teaching practice and large-scale application of information technology education.The last part is on the summary of La Ca?ada high school family history school-based curriculum based on the experiences and lessons learned,the micro macro family history teaching history,emphasize the development of students' ability and pay attention to the construction of historical enlightenment tothe cultivation of students' history of critical thinking skills in three areas of education history in china.It is hoped that this paper will be beneficial to the development of our country's History School-based Curriculum and the teaching of history teachers.
Keywords/Search Tags:American high school, family history, school-based curriculum, history teaching
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