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Effective Questioning Research In High School Reading Teaching

Posted on:2018-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2357330515458781Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The questions in reading teaching in senior high school play an important role in Chinese Reading Teaching,The question is one of the factors of classroom teaching,and to promote the teaching of reading process,effective questioning can often make the classroom atmosphere,make students become active thinking to divergence,reinforcement lerning motivation of students,thus questioning the whole class decision efficiency.The usefulness of the questions raised by teachers in the classroom is also the key point of the dialogue.The new curriculum standards also emphasize the dialogue between teachers and students,and pay attention to the cultivation of students' creative ability and the critical thinking.Therefore,whether or not the question of teachers is efficient,directly determines the effectiveness of a class.It can also be said that the use of teachers for questioning,but also determines the quality of reading teaching.But now I found the classroom practice in high school,some teachers' questions in English reading teaching is inefficient,such as some questioning:there will be lots of teachers in the classroom questioning,the subject involved too much,the students lack of specific guidance;the problem formulation is not accurate enough,but the students in the proposed;a problem to the students,for students to think about the time is limited,so that students consider the time limit and other issues.On the basis of previous studies,this paper is more inclined to the combination of literature research and case study.The innovations of this study are as follows:the use of a number of new cases of classroom practice;some new ideas.This paper is divided into three parts:introduction,text and conclusion.The main body is divided into three chapters.The introduction mainly discusses the questions in the study of the origin and the value of the teaching of Chinese reading in high school,and the current domestic and foreign related research results are summarized and put forward the problems and prospects,clear ideas and methods of this research,and then puts forward the innovation of this study.The first chapter outlines the concept of effective questioning in senior high school reading teaching.The connotation of clear and effective questioning and the connotation of effective questioning in senior high school reading teaching.The characteristics of effective questioning in reading teaching of high school are summarized:more emphasis on the cultivation of students' thinking ability,pay more attention to the Chinese accomplishment of the students,pay more attention to the classroom context,more emphasis on students' study consciousness and innovation spirit.The theoretical basis of effective questioning in reading teaching in Senior High School:interactive theory,heuristic teaching theory,dialogue theory.The second chapter discusses the mechanism of effective questioning in senior high school reading teaching.First of all,there are two main types of effective questioning in high school reading teaching:Teachers' questioning and students' questioning.Secondly,it discusses the function of effective questioning in senior high school reading teaching.Secondly,the paper discusses the function of effective questioning in senior high school reading teaching,including the role of teachers and the role of students.Then from the high school reading teaching in the type of effective questioning,from the two aspects of the problem and form classification.Finally,it analyzes the effectiveness of questioning in senior high school reading teaching.It includes the factors that affect effective questioning and the standard of effective questioning.The third chapter discusses the effective questioning strategies in senior high school reading teaching.High school reading teaching effective questioning point:in the title of the subject,ask questions,in the central idea of the article,ask questions,in the article difficult questions,in the article conflict,ask questions in the blank space.This paper summarizes the effective questioning methods in senior high school reading teaching.Mainly include:guidance method,interest method,contrast method,order method,divergent method.In the end,the author puts forward the points of attention for effective questioning in senior high school reading teaching:paying attention to the stage of questioning,laying stress on the questioning hierarchy,paying attention to the generation of questions,paying attention to the equality of questioning,and paying attention to the text of questioning.In the conclusion,we further clarify the practical value of effective questioning in reading teaching in senior high school,analyze some problems encountered in the course of the study,and make clear the direction of future efforts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese in Senior High School, reading instruction, Effective question
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