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Research On The Transformation Of Continuing Education In Colleges And Universities In Shandong Province

Posted on:2018-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2357330515454823Subject:Adult Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,the number of independent adult colleges in Shandong province has been decreasing,and the burden of developing continuing education falls on the shoulders of the College of continuing education in Colleges and Universities.The province of Shandong must further deepen continuing education reform,realize the transformation and innovation as the goal,to contribute to realize the modernization of education and talents of Shandong province.The first part of the paper,research purposes and significance,research summary,research ideas and methods were described.It defines the related concepts of continuing education transformation in ordinary colleges,which lays the foundation for the subsequent analysis of the development of continuing education in colleges and universities in Shandong Province.The second part of the paper summarizes the development of continuing education in colleges and universities in Shandong Province since the reform and opening up,the period of restoration and development(1978-1985),the rapid and steady development period(1986-1988)Development period(1999-2009),and innovation and development period(2010-).And witnessed the achievements and development characteristics of continuing education in colleges and universities.The third part of this paper elaborates the present situation of continuing education in Shandong province.By analyzing the data of "China Education Statistics Yearbook" and "Shandong Province Education Development Statistics Bulletin" and the information of continuing education development of related education website,Province continuing education in colleges and universities continue to develop steadily;non-education continuing education development speed.Of course,also faced with some difficulties: the school ambiguous positioning;continuing education information construction backward;shared continuing education resources to be increased;and other education between the poor convergence and so on.On the basis of the previous research,this paper tries to put forward the transformation path : To clarify the orientation of continuing education in ordinary colleges and universities;To strengthen the development of continuing education;to strengthen the protection and promote the healthy development of continuing education;based on the region,highlighting the continuing education of ordinary colleges and universities to improve the quality of education,and to improve the continuing education system of ordinary colleges and universities;School characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shandong Province, Colleges and Universities, Continuing Education, Transformation
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