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The Current Effectiveness Of High School Students' "third Study" Mathematics Knowledge

Posted on:2017-04-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C YangFull Text:PDF
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The learning of mathematical knowledge is the basic and precondition of mathematics learning,improving the ability of mathematical problem solving,developing creative thinking and cultivating mathematics aesthetic feeling.learning mathematics knowledge can be divided into three times.The first time is to listen carefully in class,the second time is to do homework,the third time is “the third time in learning”. “The third time in learning”is to review summary,reflectknowledge,summarizeand generalize knowledge.Students can find the inner link between knowledge, master the rich connotation and the essence of the various concepts and principles, integrate distributed knowledge to systematic knowledge in order to form a new knowledge structure through “the third time in learning”. Investigating the reason why the efficiency of “the third time in learning” is not high, giving effective suggestions and putting forward a good way to solve problems is to form the good habit of “the third time in learning”.This paper obtains some existing problems“the third time in learning” by making a survey on 400 senior students and 20 students from Boxing No.3 High School and Jinan No.2 High School by means of questionnaire survey method interviewing method. The problems are as follows:The method of reviewing knowledge that students do exercises on the basis of completing homework and do not think about knowledge is not systematic, students who look up informations and read the coach book do not refer to a particular knowledge and not contrast with previous;students just browse class notes but do not think about the knowledge in the class notes.The method of reflecting knowledge is not profound,they finish the wrong topic after class and do not think about why I am wrong. Students reflect the knowledge that teachers say the emphasis and difficulty of knowledge and do not think where knowledge is important,where is the difficult,why it is important and why it is difficulty;student reflect the knowledge that they do not understand without thinking about why I do not understand in class and do not think which knowledge is related to these knowledge and these knowledge is used to solve which problems.Students to summarize knowledge is not comprehensive,they just browse the wrong topic and class notes and do not earnestly summarizes the knowledge.The initiative of students “the third time in learning” is not strong, they can't take the initiative to contrast with the previous knowledge and to classify the knowledge.Teachers sometimes only request the student to review and complete the section on teacher speaks and give a test that do not contain all of the knowledge points.Teachers supervise students learning by checking homework and having a test.According to the result of research, I have raised a learning and teaching method which can help students review what they have learned for three times, this means that students should review the knowledge by doing related exercises to rehance their foundation of knowledge after class, but students shouldn't settle for the accomplishment of each question, they must think more about the reality how the learned knowledge can be linked to this question and whether there are other methods to solve the problem, what's more, the overall knowledge points have a lot in common. They also need to self-examine and summarize what they have gained from daily class, only this can they get unforgettable impressions of knowledge. Through building knowledge formation and using notebooks to realize the tabulation of basic knowledge, drawing the logical graghs, students can keep basic concepts and formula in mind. What's more, they should review the learned knowledge to understand more. In the reviewing class, students should change into the host of classroom, teaching method should be shifted from teacher-centered to students-centered, from simplification to diversification, teachers must assign the most appropriate homework for students, divide the exercises into four parts which can meet different levels of students, therefore teachers can supervise every student's process and correct their mistakes in time and urge them to effectively use their notebooks.
Keywords/Search Tags:“the third time in learning”, learning mathematical knowledge, learning after class
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