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Stealing Crime Research

Posted on:2018-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Electricity is the basic energy for modern people's basic survival and social and economic development.It is an indispensable part of China's economic growth and health to escort the electricity production and power supply.The economic development and the progress of science and technology but also for electric larceny provides more fertile soil,in recent years,the increse in the number of cases showing stealing and stealing,stealing means the amount of the increase trend of diversification,better punishment against the acts of stealing,safeguarding the legitimate interests of the enterprises,in order to protect the power supply,the normal protection of national grid security the orderly operation is an important subject in front of us.Th e fast and healthy development of the national economy at the same time also led to the technological innovation of China's power industry and theeprogrduction and construction,visible power as an indispensable energy,is crucial to the development of social econmy elements.At the same time,the impact of the era of technology and market economic benefits for the new situation of electricity theft and antistealing behavior has brought new difficulties and challenges.Whether the power industry can develop healthily and whether it can provide a good and safe electricity environment for the people's life and enterprisr production is the main purpose and significance of the antistealing action.The power supply enterprise users to provide electricity to meet the needs of production and life,and the user should be safe,reasonable and legal use of electricity,but the electricity stealing in the judicial practice is repeated,some people even act as guilty of criminal acts of stealing.The purpose of this articles is to analyze the causes of the cases of stealing electricity,sum up the problems and make suggestions to help them more effectively.
Keywords/Search Tags:stealing electricity behavior, criminal evidence, sentencing
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