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On The Trial Mechanism Of Administrative Civil Cross Cases

Posted on:2018-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C TengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2356330515977524Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of the welfare society makes the scope of the executive power continue to extend,the executive power continued to manage and regulate the civil society,it can be said that public power affects every corner of the public life and civil life in every stage,administrative behavior more and more The impact of the people's lives.Administrative power is constantly involved in many disputes between the equality of the main body in the social life.This inevitably leads to administrative,civil cross cases.In practice,the administrative and civil cross cases are intertwined and mixed in various forms.What kind of trial mode has been practiced in such cases,and that there has been a lack of clear and specific legal provisions that lead to the practice of courts in different practices,often the contradiction between administrative and civil referees.Repeated litigation often occurs.Whether they are a dual system of judicial system or a unit of judicial system,they have their own mechanisms for handling administrative and civil cross cases,which are worth learning and learning from.At the end of this paper,the author puts forward some principles.For the specific solution path,I believe that should be established "with the trial" mechanism,the case screening mechanism,the internal transfer system to better build administrative and civil cross-case of the trial mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:administrative litigation civil litigation, cross case, due process, right of action
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