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Research On The Administrative Regulations Of The Network Car Service

Posted on:2018-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WuFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,with the big date of Internet mobile maturing,the sharing economy has been developing rapidly,then a new way relying on Internet technology to travel—car-hailing online comes into being.What deserves to be mentioned is that on July 27,2016,the Ministry of Transport officially released the Interim Measures for the Administration Online taxi booking business operations and services(hereinafter referred to as the "Interim Measures"),and then China became the first country in the world to enact such national regulations.For the first time legalizing online booking business operations and services,this normative document,which provides direct basis and rules on how to business and makes the online-booking taxi,driver qualification,responsibility of online taxi booking platforms,leads to a heated discussion on the online booking business operations and services all walks of life.It once again push car-hailing online to the public vision.However,because of the late start in our country and the lack of accurate understanding of "Interim Measures" being the first regulation in China to directly legal status of the system,questions and problems comes thick and fast,while the government departments still have differences in the supervision and legal basis of the online-booking taxi.First of all,according to the "Interim Measures" this theory defines the connotation of online booking business operations and service and explains the description of the service as the "reserved passenger and passenger",then the paper analyzes the opportunities brought about by the car and the legal risks existing in the information security and traffic safety,Car market fair and operating mode,all above leads to a viewpoint that there's a need to have administrative law regulation for online-booking taxis.Secondly,the article summarizes the status of the administrative law regulation of the service operation of the Internet by the central and local government departments.The article also do an objective analysis of the legal basis of the "Interim Measures",the administrative licensing considerations,the excessive supervision of the government regulation,the old mode Innovation and other aspects of the existing problems.And then through the analysis of the status of several other countries,the paper summarizes the good revelation of the regulation of the administrative law to China.Finally,from the perspective of the law,especially the administrative law,learning from the advanced experience of foreign countries,this theory points that when we discuss on the issue of administrative law of network management services,we should adhere to the basic principles of administrative law on the issue of innovation network regulation system,promotes the administrative level of the bus service,unifies legal regulation between the central and local governments,use the "general permit" model,strengthens cooperation between the government and the network bus platform.This theory explores the root causes of the problem and finds the scope and mode of government supervision within the framework of the law.Through the improvement of online taxi booking business operations and services administrative law regulations and the corresponding government regulatory measures,what this essay expected is to lay the foundation of the healthy development of online-booking taxis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online taxi booking business operations and services, Administrative law regulation, Administrative license
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