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Cyber ??theft Crime Research

Posted on:2017-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, the phenomena of crime on the Internet are becoming more and more. Besides the means of cyber crime is having a changeable tendency. Especially in these days, laws and regulations on the cyber society are not very sound enough, so when we are facing the cyber crimes based on the new means, a legal mechanism with the exacting standard is eagerly lacked, from the conviction process to the measurement of penalty. And Internet law is becoming one of the hottest topics discussed among many law experts. This essay was guided by the controversy over virtual property's value and attributes. I started with the forms of theft on the Internet, and then analyzed some issues systematically, such as, how we are supposed to convict the theft on the Internet in a specific case and the demarcation between this one and other crimes.At present, there isn't a clear law or regulation to explain the theft on the Internet so far. In order to make the theft cyber crime have a basic theory of legislation, I put forward a design on the system of theft on the Internet based on the analysis of this kind of laws at home and abroad.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hospitality, Consumer Law, Consumer protection, Dispute-solving
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