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Research On Dance Education In The Context Of University General Education

Posted on:2019-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330548958151Subject:School of music and dance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 21st century,general education,whose concept and implementation have a close relationship with higher education system of China,has become a popular word in educational reform.However,dance education,playing an important role both in aesthetic education and general education,is far from enough in aspects of being updated and improved in time under the modern educational system.How to make dance education effective is the problem faced by each dance teacher in each college or university.This thesis,based on introduction of origin,development and current situation of general education in both Chinese and Western countries,concept,core idea and purpose of general education are explored.Then,according to concept,training objectives of education and the features and functions of dance,the concept and goal of dance education under the background of general education is further studied..Moreover,combining with successful teaching cases and experiences from personal teaching practices,analysis on current unsatisfactory dance education in universities or colleges is given.In order to keep up with the latest mode in general education reform,exploring how to transform ideas and jumping out of the limitation of traditional dance education are of great significance as well.Therefore,by advocating practices based on these exploration,teaching content,method and curriculum of dance education may be innovative in the context of general education.
Keywords/Search Tags:General Education, Dance Education, Features, Function, Educational Reform, Innovation
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