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Rural Control Research In The Background Of Hubei County Government Reform In The 1930s

Posted on:2019-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q LongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330548458203Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the establishment of the Nanjing National Government,the control of rural society in Hubei area is in disorder due to the historical traditions and difficult reality.The historical tradition is mainly the clan's control over the countryside and the gentry's control over the countryside.The clan organization is based on kinship to control the clans by its strict management system,with the function of relief protection and etiquette education it makes majority of the rural community have a strong sense of cohesion and attachment to family organizations,which makes the clan organization more realistic and effective in controlling rural social order than administrative orders.The gentry is a buffer class between the government and the people,which is based on the geopolitical relationship as a link.The self-governance that took shape in the early years of the Republic resulted in the separation of the government and the village.The rural society was controlled by local tyrants and inferior gentry.The difficult reality is the vigorous development of the Communist party of China in the countryside and the farmers awakening.The Communist Party used the three-in-one policy of armed struggle,revolutionary base construction,and the agrarian revolution to benefit the farmers,which wins the support of majority of rural farmers and grows in the countryside.The oppressed farmers awakened under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and fought against oppression.After the establishment of the National Government,inherited by the legacy of Mr.Sun Yat-sen,National Government promote the reform of the county government,use this as an opportunity to strengthen the control of the rural society below the county and to deal with the crisis of rural control disorder.The social reactionary public opinion around the 1930 s incited the government to reform the local constitutional system with “Counterinsurgency” as the primary purpose.Again,because Chiang Kai-shek failed in the three censuses of the Soviet Communist Party.Chiang Kai-shek accepted Yang Yongtai's "three-point military seven-point politics," and he politically enshrined the Chinese Communist Party and implemented it in the "Yong" district of Hubei,Henan,and Anhui.In 1932 the Hubei government upholds the concept of "three-point military seven points of politics " restored the armor in the countryside under the county and strictly controlled the countryside,in order to further strengthen the control of the villages,a division was set up in 1934.The self-government district office was changed to a government office and became the descending agency for the county government to control the countryside.In the specific implementation of rural control,the platform of discipline and education is adopted as a platform for the implementation of the four aspects of“management”,“teaching”,“supporting”,and “guarding” in rural areas.In order to control the impact of the measures taken in rural areas,from a positive perspective,the administrative power of the county government has been extended to the county level and rural education has achieved certain development;however,in order to control the countryside and restore Bao Jia,the huge funds come from the people,which increases the burden of the village people.Moreover,officials at the grass-roots level engage in malpractices,resulting in the security of personnel in the fisheries industry.The strengthening of the control on the Kuomintang by the Kuomintang has controlled the freedom of the villagers in some extent.Due to the autocratic nature of control measures,the quality of grassroots executive officers and the quality of Bao Jiazhang are ineffective,and the tycoons and gentry's stealing of grassroots political power will inevitably intensify the centrifugal force of the village and the government.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hubei Province, County government reform, Rural control
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