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The Practice And Research Of "Italian Chamber Music Collection"

Posted on:2018-11-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XueFull Text:PDF
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"Italian Chamber Music Collection" by the outstanding soprano song artist Liang Ying selected,translators,singers,vocal educator Mr.Guo Shuzhen and Stephen Kraman as an art consultant of a vocal collection,is the famous Italian Spoleto song The theater recommended young singers to sing the song."Chamber music",from a simple literal meaning can be seen,the dramatic power in the singing is taboo.It is between the classical art song and opera,from the level of learning vocal skills,which in the whole vocal music teaching process is an indispensable course content,if the opera singing is long and correct Master of the Italian bel canto singing skills of the end of the words,then the study of vocal chamber music is not only a test of the sound skills,the accumulation of vocal music tracks,but also the purpose of vocal learning and the results,but also to the success of singing and singing must pass through road.It played a key role in the opening,is the sound skills training the most appropriate textbook.Chamber music from the end of the 16th century to the development of Italy today,has become a vocal art in a bright treasure,the study of vocal chamber music can not only enhance the singer's singing skills and musical expression,strengthen its music perception,,But also improve the concert and the instrumental musicians between the collaboration consciousness,is an important means of vocal music teaching,with significant theoretical and practical value.However,due to the limitations in classroom teaching and stage practice,as well as the various prejudices of ideological understanding,the current part of the teaching content of music in the art school of Chinese vocal music teaching is still slow to develop.On the music of the chamber music has not yet standardized,highly recognized teaching materials,the teacher is based on their own characteristics of the Ministry of the students and the degree of singing to the students to provide works,the domestic art institutions of the students in the chamber music vocal music works The study is also lagging behind.The author in the three years of graduate students in the process of learning to participate in graduate students at the end of the report of the concert,and held two solo concerts,a graduate graduate solo concert,and another is written in my paper for the content of the " Italian chamber music song "special solo concert.The special concert is mainly for the better study and writing of academic papers and held,the time set in the third half of the semester,in the preparation of the concert at the same time also facilitate the finishing of the paper,after several discussions with the instructor andDemonstration,a total of 12 repertoire,from the "Italian chamber music collection"three volumes.I try to use the song set as the basis of theory and practice,through the book part of the repertoire of the concert analysis and summed up some of the characteristics of Italian chamber music and singing experience.The contents of the chapters of this article are arranged as follows:The first chapter is the introduction,mainly describes the reason and significance of the topic,research status and trends on the subject at home and abroad,the research objectives,content and related problems,research means and methods and the feasibility.The second chapter is about the introduction of "Italian chamber music collection"and the introduction of chamber music videotapes,the introduction of the song set mainly includes the main compiler of the book,art consultant and the structure of the book,the book logic and play a role The author elaborates the definition,the development thread and the creative characteristic and the singing style of the chamber music music from the origin,the performance place and the subject matter respectively.In the third chapter,some of the representative works of "Italian Chamber Music Songs"are used as the object of study,and the artistic style of Italian chamber music is highlighted.Better singing their chamber music vocal works,it is for the future really comprehend,interpretation of their opera works pave the way.The fourth chapter is about the study of the book related to the theory of singing.Through the study of the book,it shows that the Italian chamber music plays an important role in the process of vocal learning,and elaborates the training of chamber music vocal music on the students' ability of American students.Finally,some enlightenment about the project research and construction of "Audiovisual Music in the Artistic Colleges".
Keywords/Search Tags:Italian chamber music, concert music style, artistic features
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