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Xiyue Huashan Tourism History Research

Posted on:2018-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z F NanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330542979757Subject:Historical geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The vigorous development of today's tourism industry into a strong impetus for economic development,the drive,the tourist attractions have stepped up efforts to explore the cultural connotation and tourism value,as Huashan since the Qin Dynasty is one of the five mountains in the well-known,far and near lagged.The current research on the academic community in Huashan is mainly focused on natural field research in the field of humanities is still in the mountains and some pieces of cultural beliefs in nature,not be able to provide more support for the historical and cultural tourism development.The author believes that the unique value of tourism to explore the Huashan reservoir,the most suitable way for Huashan tourism and tourism activities in the construction period in comprehensive mining,combing and integration,and these contents can be through the research on Huashan mountain tourism history can be achieved.In tourism activities and the relationship between the subject and object of study is the main content of tourism history research,this guide to Huashan for the individual,with a new China was established for the time period,is the first need to excavate the construction of Huashan tourism resources,in the past dynasties,human society continues to Huashan for a transformation the first point is to transform and climb the road in Huashan,Huashan due to the steep natural appearance,Denghua road of development is also very long and hard,but in today's Huashan tourism activities,Huashan is still one of the most spectacular mountain tourists relish.The second is at the foot of the Temple Temples and road construction,to explore this aspect can also be embodied in Huashan at that time to meet the number,because these Temple Temples that would burn incense and pray,some entertaining role.The unique representative is older or scale high temple temples,such as the Xiyue temple construction and Development Institute and Jade Spring.The last is the emergence of a number of colleges and universities,such as books,these are in the Huashan cultural heritage to a certain extent,they can be more directly to highlight the cultural value of Huashan.In ancient Huashan cultural tours,you need to dig deeper on the typical characters and deeds of all times,to fully reproduce the real tour of Huashan they bit by bit,in order to understand each time the natural beauty of Huashan and the visitors to tour the mountain behind,and what kind of story.In relation to each other,changes in the era of comprehensive national power will act on the Huashan tourism,such as Tang,Ming Huashan tourism investment boom on the construction of Huashan is attracted many visitors and tourists and increase communication culture and expand the visibility of Huashan in order to make the society to increase investment in the construction of Huashan tourism.Through comprehensive study on Huashan mountain tourism history,can be found in the Huashan tourism in pre Qin period is tracked,and in history,although many twists and turns but also the emergence of new highlights,especially during the period of the Tang Dynasty and the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the ancient tourism development to a peak period,the tourism culture brilliant,literary and artistic works a lot of retained,provide valuable evidence for the Huashan tourism research,can also feel the turbulent society,Huashan tourism has shown the great Chinese national spirit.The development of Huashan in the historical period of the tourism industry as a whole,but also to the study of Huashan tourism academic circles to provide some reference,but also helps to explore the history of Huashan culture and tourism,more travel theme,in the development of the tourism industry in Huashan can also realize the protection of Huashan culture inheritance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Huashan, Tourism, historical period
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