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The Syntactic Special Study Of "custom Customs"

Posted on:2019-07-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330542957602Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper will make the corresponding explaination on the syntactic features,which based on the exhaustive description of the classic syntactic phenomena in the f?ngsút?ngyě,in order to make modest contributions to the studies of the synactic in the Eastern Han Dynasty.This article is divided into six parts: The introduction part introduces the research status of this book,and the purpose and meaning of the study,and which the method we will take.The first chapter is about the deteminative sentences.It is pointed out that the copula shě has exited while the old pattern ……,…… y? is still in the priority during the same time.The second chapter is about the passive.The passive marks mainly include wéi,jiŕn,yú,bči.The third chapter is about the ditransitive construction which includes the Theme-Recipient construction GIVE,Malefactive Source construction,External Possession construction,Patient Beneficiary construction and etc..The fourth chapter is about the Preposition pronoun construction and the Postposition adverbial construction,which illustrate the word order of old Chinese of the Eatern Han Dynasty is VO / OV coexistence.The fifth chapter contrasts the syntax between f?ngsút?ngyě with the Synchronic and Diachronic Syntax.
Keywords/Search Tags:F?ngsút?ngyě, Deteminative sentences, Passive, Ditransitive construction, Wordorder
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