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Daniel Richter's Paintings

Posted on:2018-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Many large works by Daniel Richter are borrowing the modern media cre ative history and social care,he reached in a fit of painting techniques an d content.The use of color gives the painting a moths attraction,like a modern society can not escape the chaos of the Language.His artistic co ncepts often with political overtones,the works reflect the violence and power of criticism.In the development of contemporary art in post-war Germany,the artists' dominant ideology.From Joseph Beuys to Daniel Ri chter artistic heritage of this concept is not a formal tradition,everyone h as their favorite expression,may be performance art,the device may also be regression easel painting.But during the war came from the artists c ame today,are seeking the truth,the society expressed concern is the sa me,life and painting are close together.
Keywords/Search Tags:Life, reality, rethink, German contemporary art
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