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A Study Of The Modern Changes Of The Tujia Children's Family In Changyang

Posted on:2016-11-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y WangFull Text:PDF
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SA Ye Er He is a unique funeral ritual dance form of Tujia nationality,it has a long history and still in widespread,also known as "jump funeral","playing his drum",etc.,not only expressed the view of Tujia open-minded,but also a collection of songs and music.As one of the folk dance,it has a very high artistic value and cultural value.Now,because of the social background changing,cultural environment and the influence of national policy,some problems appeared in the process of the inheritance of modern complex phenomenon.People dance from mourning hall to the square,performing on the stage,has broken the long "day not jump funeral","no mourning not jump funeral","women can't jump funeral" taboo,the Ba Shan dance,stage performances and square dance has become a new form.In this paper,through methods such as literature reading,field research,comparative research,in-depth research,mining traditional SA Ye Er He and modern SA Ye Er He,and a comparative study between the two,to reflect the changes of the universe and the hook in the modern.Based on the introduction of this paper introduces the research origin,clarify the selected topic significance,summarizes the research status of SA Ye Er He,determines the research idea and method,analyzes the innovation of the study,on this basis,from the changes of the four parts of SA Ye Er He to study:The first part: the summary of SA Ye Er He.First of all,the introduction and analyzes the origin of the name SA Ye Er He;Then show the SA Ye Er He popular areas and this topic field site is introduced,and inheritance;Finally is to the universe and the ho performance space and the carding process.This section is aimed to present the traditional of SA Ye Er He,can only see it on the basis of the understanding of traditional changes.The second part: the modern universe and the form and characteristics of SA Ye Er He.Through SA Ye Er He change after three forms of Ba Shan dance,SA Ye Er He square dance,and SA Ye Er He stage performance investigation,analyzing the characteristic of the modern SA Ye Er He,and traditional SA Ye Er He and the modern form SA Ye Er He comparative analysis,the changes of the expression SA Ye Er He.The third part: SA Ye Er He change reason analysis.According to the first two parts of SA Ye Er He traditional,modern research,the author summarized three aspects to explain the cause of the change,one is the change of the traditional production life style,the second is national and local cultural elite concerns,three is the self choice of people.The fourth part: the rethink of SA Ye Er He transformation.As the folk culture of SA Ye Er He,changes in the development of society is certain,through the a nalysis of SA Ye Er He change,the author wants to reflect on three questions: one is Modern SA Ye Er He with traditional SA Ye Er He between what kind of relationship? two is now SA Ye Er He inheritance dominated by who? three is the modern value of SA Ye Er He ?Finally in the conclusion part points out that the folk custom culture constantly a dapt society's inevitable change at the same time,SA Ye Er He is also constantly change in one thousand years of history and form,so the attention to folk culture not only stay in the traditional form of retained,more should pay attention to the changes in social development,improve the cultural consciousness,understand the significance of folk custom,search for the junction of tradition and modern,In order to realize the successful transformation,for the protection and inheritance of the Chinese nation culture,the development of social economy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Change research, SA Ye Er He, Changyang tujia
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