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The Eschatology In Lawrence's Novels

Posted on:2018-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330515999149Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
D.H.Lawrence is one of the most brilliant writers in the history of English Literature in 20th century.Through an interpretation of the images such as flood,eschatological death,rainbow and baptism,this paper aims to explore eschatology embodied in Lawrence's novels from the early to later phase of Lawrence's creations.Many researches have been conducted on Lawrence's works so far,yet few of them are from the perspective of eschatology.From the early phase to later phase of his novels,eschatology embodied in Lawrence's novels is gradually enhanced.At first,it is mostly connected with the tragedy of protagonists.When it comes to the middle phase of his creations,there are many prophetic words regarding catastrophe and destruction of human beings described in the novels,but through the image of rainbow,Lawrence expresses his hope and promise for human beings.In the last phase of his novels,the feeling for great catastrophe reaches its peak in his later novels,eschatology can be found in many background settings,and through the baptism image,we are able to conclude that the ultimate aim of eschatology revealed in Lawrence's novels is about rebirth.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lawrence, Eschatology, Destruction, Rebirth
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