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The Act Of Sculpture

Posted on:2018-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Z LiuFull Text:PDF
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Sculpture's acts is divided into two seemingly different elements:sculpture and behavior.Sculptures usually point to a materialized result,while the action points to the process and the action in the process.The reality of the two are one of the inseparable,and often the exhibition hall limits the sculpture to show the results of materialization and light sculpture of the process,the behavior of the part is not as a work to discuss.Some creators even put the behavior of the process into a dispensable position,in order to obtain a final visual effect and unscrupulous,sculpture behavior to achieve the image of three-dimensional technical means,the action lost the expression,lost and Emotional connection,which makes the behavior does not have the proper meaning.The work in the production process requires a rigorous logic,logical domination of the artist's behavior and determines the final form of the sculpture,what to do and not to do what the artist should have to judge,but the logic is not insurmountable,the act itself is right Logical checks and adjustments,the process of liquidity determines the results of the unpredictable.So,the meaning of sculpture is not only generated at the end of the event,the process can also be seen as a sculpture.Sculpture is no longer a material display,but to become a verb,a way to exist in the world.This article is based on my own creative experience and experience.The first chapter mainly discusses the dialectical relationship between material and behavior.The second chapter analyzes the performance of sculpture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sculptur, material, body, behavior, action, process, event
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